Euronext Securities Careers

Diverse talents. Committed experts. Ambitious professionals.

Euronext Securities vacancies

VP Securities A/S + Interbolsa + Monte Titoli S.p.A. + Verdipapirsentralen ASA

Key accountabilities:

  • Develop and execute a strategic sales plan to identify and acquire new clients for CSD Euronext Data products, in particular Milan.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with prospective and existing clients, understanding their needs and aligning solutions to their objectives.
  • Meet and exceed sales targets, contributing to the growth of the Euronext Data Services portfolio.
  • Demonstrate deep understanding of CSD data offerings, including enriched data solutions, analytics, and reporting tools.
  • Deliver compelling presentations, product demonstrations, and training to stakeholders.
  • Provide expert advice and support to clients, addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and ensuring satisfaction.
  • Identify opportunities to upsell and cross-sell additional data services tailored to client needs.
  • Conduct research to identify market trends, competitor offerings, and client demand in the CSD data space.
  • Work collaboratively with internal teams to align product offerings with market opportunities.
  • Liaise with technical, legal, and operational teams to ensure seamless delivery of data services.

Your Profile:

  • 5-10 years of experience
  • Relevant background, preferably from financial data sales
  • Self-driven
  • Result and KPI oriented
  • Strategic

Working with us means:

  • Be part of an agile, innovative and dynamic organisation, where you can have an impact and grow
  • Opportunity to grow 
  • A vibrant international and diverse environment
  • Wellbeing programme, equal opportunities, work environment open to diversity in all its forms

Key responsibilities

  • Business development
    • Participate actively in the definition of a comprehensive sales strategy aligned with ES ambitions in order to achieve revenues targets
    • Implement the sales strategy by developing strong relationships with the current strategic clients base and the prospects identified  
    • Identify cross-selling opportunities within ES entities and EURONEXT Group ( exchanges, clearing, data services ..)
    • Monitor the sales activity through the input and regular update of ES Global  CRM ( commercial opportunities, meetings reports, revenues and budget follow up, update of the clients’ contacts …)
  • Client relationship management:
    •  develop strategic contacts at  each level of the client’s management organization through clients’ existing networks and other channels
    • Ensure that the services are successfully delivered to the client ( client satisfaction) and organize an efficient communication regarding clients’ queries or escalations.
    • Collaborate closely with Product teams to support the development of new solutions and help ensure the adequacy of the  existing products  with ES clients’ needs
  • Market knowledge and innovation
    • Identify new market trends thanks to clients’ and industry interactions or other channels and build a specific sector-oriented intelligence  for the various products ES offers and potentially translate them into sales opportunities (outbound)
  • Communication and marketing
    • Support Euronext Securities marketing strategy aligned with company’s  objectives  ( panels, articles/interviews, whitepapers, videos, brochures)
    • Represent ES at industry events, conferences, networking forums to enhance the brand visibility and build strategic relationships
    • Promote ES services through our various digital channels ( social media profile, website and email marketing)

Your profile

  • Significant experience in a sales role within the financial industry, ideally in a CSD’s or related sector ( custodian, financial services .. ) .
  • Knowledge of post trade activities ( settlement processes, asset services, regulatory framework )
  • Experience in managing strategic clients with a regional and/or global footprint   
  • Ability to support ES clients in the implementation of their strategy by sharing market trends and help design solutions  

Working with us means:

  • Be part of an agile, innovative and dynamic organisation, where you can have an impact and grow
  • Opportunity to grow 
  • A vibrant international and diverse environment
  • Wellbeing programme, equal opportunities, work environment open to diversity in all its forms


  • Italy
  • CSD Business operations
  • Employee

Key accountabilities
• Ensure the delivery of settlement, custody, asset and fiscal services and support the management and control of the physical securities registered in Centralized Securities System and their safeguarding according to best international practices
• Support the development and implementation of more automated and digitized services at the Central Securities Depository.
• Ensure that user acceptance testing of all the IT system updates and improvements regarding physical securities services takes place.
• Develop and the execute annual custody business plans and coordinate of activities with senior management in other areas of the organization.
• Provide information to Issuers and Financial Intermediaries and represent Euronext internally and externally.
• Contribute to operoperational enhancements to streamline workflow and provide better support to frontline business units
• Drives continuous improvement of process and assess and select improvement opportunities that provide long-term value and minimize operational risks

Your profile
• In-depth knowledge of CSD Business operations
• Strong knowledge of industry market standards and business workflows in the securities services space
• Proven team leadership, communication and project management skills - ability to monitor


  • Denmark
  • Client services operations
  • Employee

Søger du en spændende ansættelse, der udbygger din erfaring med administrative, projekt- og servicerelaterede opgaver? Så er det måske dig vi søger som tidsbegrænset projektmedarbejder 25 timer ugentligt, med opstart den 3. februar 2025.

Rollen som projektmedarbejder

Som projektmedarbejder i Euronext Securities bliver du en del af en afdeling med ti faste medarbejdere, hvis primære opgave er administration og praktisk hjælp til afholdelse af generalforsamlinger og afstemninger for vores kunder. Du vil under din ansættelse spille en væsentlig rolle i processen omkring disse møder.

Ansættelsen veksler mellem dybdegående backoffice opgaver, der kræver fuld koncentration og evne til at følge en instruks til punkt og prikke, administrative driftsopgaver, samt mere udadvendte opgaver, såsom at sørge for at vores kunders aktionærer møder den bedste service, når de har brug for hjælp og vejledning.

Som projektmedarbejder vil du således få rig mulighed for at bringe forskellige generalistkompetencer i spil, prøve dine evner af i et dynamisk miljø.

Vi vægter grundighed og præcision højt i vores arbejde og du vil komme til at hjælpe os i den tid på året, hvor de faste medarbejdere har mest travlt. Derfor lægger vi vægt på din evne til at holde fokus, følge en arbejdsgang, kontrollere dit eget arbejde, samt prioritere og tilpasse dig et omskifteligt arbejdspres.

Du bliver en del af et trekløver af projektmedarbejdere, der skal deles om opgaverne og være gode til at koordinere indbyrdes og supplere hinanden. De første uger er der fuldt fokus på oplæring og at I falder godt til med hinanden og resten af afdelingen.

Dine arbejdsopgaver vil blandt andet være:

  • At besvare henvendelser fra aktionærer per e-mail og telefon på dansk og engelsk – opgaven er oftest at hjælpe dem gennem selvbetjeningsløsninger til tilmelding og afstemning eller at yde lettere teknisk support under selve afviklingen af virtuelle generalforsamlinger
  • Udfærdigelse og korrekturlæsning af skriftligt og elektronisk materiale på dansk og engelsk
  • Praktiske og administrative ad hoc opgaver i forbindelse med forberedelsen af generalforsamlingerne, fx print af materiale, pakning af breve eller dataudtræk
  • Tilbagevendende opgaver såsom sortering og registrering af blanketter

Din profil

Du har tidligere arbejdet med projekter og forstår derfor at strukturere og prioritere dine arbejdsopgaver. Derudover er du vant til at tage ansvar for dine egne opgaver og går til dem med stor systematik uanset sværhedsgrad. Vi har faste procedurer for det meste, så du skal trives med, at disse oftest er givet på forhånd.

Som en stærk administrator lægger du vægt på detaljen og kontrollerer hellere dit eget arbejde en gang for meget end en gang for lidt. Du er samtidig handlingsorienteret og holdorienteret, når travlheden rammer og imødekommende, tålmodig og tydelig, når du besvarer henvendelser.

Foruden ovenstående ønsker vi, at du:

  • Er lærenem og har mod på at sætte dig ind i nye arbejdsopgaver og ny viden
  • Er god til at tage hånd om udfordringer og aktivt opsøge hjælp, når det er nødvendigt
  • Har gode sproglige kompetencer på dansk og engelsk i skrift og tale
  • Er fortrolig med Windows som styresystem, har IT-flair og erfaring med Word, Excel og Outlook
  • Forstår vigtigheden i at finde den rette balance mellem grundighed og effektivitet
  • Kan arbejde i hele perioden primo februar til ultimo april 2025

Vi prioriterer at hjælpe hinanden, hygge os og have det sjovt, selvom vi har travlt, og det ser vi gerne, at du kan relatere til og har lyst til at være en del af.

Arbejdstid, løn og proces

Der er tale om en tidsbegrænset ansættelse på tre måneder med forventet opstart 3. februar 2025.

Den normale ugentlige arbejdstid er 25 timer eksklusiv pauser med fysisk fremmøde i vores domicil på Christianshavn.

Arbejdstiden er som udgangspunkt i perioden mandag-fredag i tidsrummet fra kl. 09.00 til 16.00, men den præcise arbejdstid aftales i teamet. Der kan fx forekomme aftenarbejde enkelte dage i forbindelse med generalforsamlinger mod honorering.

Den faste månedsløn for en ugentlig arbejdstid på 25 timer vil være 20.270 kr.        

Dertil kommer pension, omsorgsdage og ferie efter Finanssektorens Standardoverenskomst, samt Gruppeliv-, Ulykke-, Sundheds- og Tandforsikring, fordelagtig kantineordning og fri frugt, kaffe og sodavand på kontoret.

Hvis du har spørgsmål til ansættelsen, er du velkommen til at kontakte Client Manager, Line Nielsen på eller tlf. 43 58 89 08 eller Mick Vestergaard Andersen på eller 43 58 89 30.

Vi kontakter kandidater løbende, så send gerne din ansøgning og dit CV hurtigst muligt. Vi forventer at holde samtaler i uge 2 og 3.


  • Italy
  • Intern and Apprentice
  • Employee

Euronext Securities Milan – Junior IT Infrastructure Architect Internship

The Junior IT Infrastructure Architect will be working side by side with other IT Solution Architects to design and oversee overall architecture, following main principles and best practices established, ensuring align with business goals.

Key accountabilities

  • Collaborate with business and project stakeholders to understand current, information systems, and technology infrastructure.
  • Define and create design documents and diagrams of the organization's current and target-state enterprise infrastructural architecture.
  • Assure agreement within the teams, in conjunction with all other IT teams, development, infrastructures, operations.
  • Ensure consistent application of enterprise architecture principles, standards, and methodologies across all projects and initiatives.
  • Conduct regular reviews of existing systems to identify opportunities for improvement  or optimization.
  • Draft solution designs to respond to developments in the Euronext specific landscape (IaaS, Infosec).
  • Stay informed about industry best practices, standards, and advancements in enterprise architecture.

Your profile

  • Studies in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field.
  • Strong understanding of information systems, and technology infrastructure.
  • Knowledge of IT networks is a must, Windows and Linux operating systems and supporting infrastructure elements is a plus
  • Knowledge of enterprise architecture frameworks (e.g. TOGAF) and methodologies.
  • Knowledge of cloud computing, microservices architecture, and emerging technologies is a plus
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills to collaborate with diverse stakeholders.
  • Able to communicate complex security and privacy concepts to business users.
  • Strong analytical judgement and decision-making skills.

  • Denmark
  • Client services operations
  • Employee

Are you passionate about securities and the post-trade industry? Do you have a genuine desire to serve clients and thrive on building strong relationships?

Join us in a position where you assist banks and institutions leveraging our financial market infrastructure, and become part of an international environment where you will gain a network within all the major Danish banks and a deeper understanding of how we connect European economies to global capital markets.

A new Nordic team

Within our Nordic Business Operations division, you will be part of Nordic Client Services in Copenhagen. Since April 1st, 2024, we have operated as one unified Nordic team with 5 colleagues in Copenhagen and 5 in Oslo. Together we work to assist our Nordic banks and financial institutions on their use of our infrastructure.

We’re working to become and work as one team, allowing us to give the best service to our clients in both countries. We recently started this journey and now we’re excited to keep building a truly Nordic team,” says Geir Anders Malmén, Head of Nordic Client Services.

Be the first line operational support to our clients

You will be the first line of support for clients on operational aspects, acting as their operational entry point. This entails guidance on systems and processes on a day-to-day basis by proactively identifying issues, executing resolutions, and implementing process improvements. Your aim will be to manage the daily business operations and to contribute to our sustainable development of services and applications based on clients’ input.

Specifically, you will:

  • Effectively manage clients queries within the agreed deadlines
  • Address all queries that require further support to the proper internal team and ensure that a valid answer is provided to the clients
  • Track all queries received from the clients and the answers provided to them through the selected CRM tool
  • Organise and participate in client meetings
  • Collaborate with team members and the Sales team to enhance the client experience
  • Analyse on a weekly/monthly basis the query statistics to find possible trends and/or improvements that can optimize the client relationship

You take pride in providing a good service

In this role, you need to be comfortable with the days that take unexpected twists and turns as different queries come in. Moreover, you are a team player with strong communication skills who keeps your colleagues up to date and is ready to meet the clients as they face operational issues.

Finally, we imagine that you:

  • Take pride in providing an excellent service to clients
  • Have knowledge of or an interest in the post-trade industry
  • Perhaps have experience from a client service or other function where you have dealt with clients
  • Are fluent in Danish and English and may understand Norwegian

An international environment with lots of opportunities to grow

Joining Euronext – a part of the Euronext Group – you gain 160 colleagues locally and 2000+ colleagues across Europe. We have excellent working conditions, and we just moved into our newly renovated offices in the centre of Copenhagen.

Stepping into this role, you can look forward to interacting with colleagues throughout the organisation. And should you in time wish to explore opportunities outside the Danish organisation, this is also possible.


If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Head of Nordic Client Services Geir Anders Malmén at +45 4358 8953.

Send us your resume via the link below. We will invite candidates for interviews on an ongoing basis, so do not hesitate to apply.

We look forward to hearing from you!


  • Portugal
  • Project Management
  • Employee

Join us as a Project Manager

Are you ready to shape the future of capital markets? We’re seeking a results-driven Project Manager to join our Central Securities Depository (CSD) team in Porto.

You will complete a broad variety of tasks as part of the programme management office leading a transformational multi-year programme spanning all four Euronext Securities locations (Copenhagen, Milan, Oslo, Porto).

You will be primarily responsible for:

1) Program Governance: Support the PMO and PM team being the guardian of project governance bodies, including the preparation of fortnight Program committees and monthly steering committees; producing clear and crisp meeting materials; managing contributions from key stakeholders; producing minutes and maintaining open actions, risks and decisions logs; producing clear progress dashboard and KPIs allowing for management decision making; organizing and coordinating other ad hoc meetings as necessary.

2) Dependencies Mapping: Ensure cross-dependencies with other ENX initiatives and group programs are mapped, well documented and related Project Managers and owners are aligned.

3) Communication: Enhance internal communication efforts by supporting change management actions within the migration framework, and also maintaining project documentation library for all stakeholders. Issue a monthly newsletter to communicate important information to project contributors; support periodic town halls preparation (set dates, draft materials, maintain questions log).

4) Budget: Support the Program cost monitoring working closely with Finance, Human Resources, PMO and the Program Directors to monitor the program budget and related decisions; centralize, monitor and, if needed, challenge expense requests.

5) Planning: Support the Program core team in defining the long-term roadmap and short-term planning in a view to (i) map all critical activities and milestones and (ii) follow-up on the related deliverables with task’s owners to make sure the program is delivered in time

Your profile:

  • 2-3 years of project management experience, preferably in the financial sector
  • Strong desire to build a career as a Project Manager
  • Fluent in English with excellent communication, writing and presentation skills
  • Financial acumen is an advantage
  • Proven track record of excelling and meeting deadlines in dynamic, fast-paced, and results-oriented environments.
  • Strong organisational skills with ability to perform and prioritize multiple tasks
  • Experience in working with international teams is an advantage
  • Strong proficiency in MS Outlook, MS Teams, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Knowledge of Confluence, Jira and Power BI
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to manage stakeholders at different levels
  • Ability to conduct research and present data in a succinct and well-written manner
  • Strong ability to work independently

Working with us means:

  • A vibrant international and diverse team: Euronext Securities is part of the Euronext Group, where you'll collaborate with 140 local colleagues and a network of 2,200+ talents across Europe, USA and Asia.
  • A collaborative environment that fosters professional growth with flexible career paths, learning and development opportunities
  • An agile, innovative and dynamic company where you can make an impact

Apply by submitting a CV in English.

Join Euronext Securities – The CSD network connecting European economies to global capital markets

Euronext Securities is a leading provider of post-trade services, representing the third-largest Central Securities Depository (CSD) operator in Europe. Euronext Securities provides secure and resilient settlement and custody solutions and a portfolio of services to support our clients along the entire value chain. Join us and play a key role in advancing securities issuance and settlement in Netherlands, Belgium and beyond.  More information about us here.

Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting European economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It operates regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. The Group provides a multi-asset clearing house through Euronext Clearing, and custody and settlement services through Euronext Securities central securities depositories in Denmark, Italy, Norway and Portugal. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, it also operates a number of junior markets, simplifying access to listing for SMEs.  

Borsa Italiana Spa, the company responsible for the organization and management of Italian financial markets, provides an opportunity in Euronext Securities, part of the Euronext Group and leading provider of efficient and secure financial market post-trade services, across pre-settlement, settlement, custody and asset services. The opportunity is within the Fiscal Services Department. 

The Fiscal Services Department team is located at the core of Euronext Securities’ Operations Division and its mission is to seamlessly process Calculations and Payments to the tax authorities for ES’s clients. Euronext Securities offers these services for multiple markets with different responsibilities level. 

Workplace: Milan, Piazza degli Affari 6 

Period: 6-month internship 


Key Responsibilities

The resource will support the team on the following activities:

• Support for the preparation, execution and reconciliation for Italian Taxes

• Support for the preparation, execution and reconciliation for Foreign Taxes

• Support the preparation and execution for the tax reclaims requested by the clients in the markets where ES offers the service.

Candidate Profile

The ideal candidate has:

• Degree in Economics, Finance or Management Engineer

• Fluency in English

• Excellent Analytical and organizational skills

• Team working attitude

• Advanced knowledge of MS Office Suite (Excel, PowerPoint)

• Ability to perform under pressure and to meet tight deadlines

• Attention to details

• Eager to learn in a fast-changing environment


People are the heart of what we do, and we are ready to support their potential and professional growth. Transparency and efficiency are two of the core values of our way of acting and guide us successfully towards achieving our goals. To make all this possible and to meet the needs of our stakeholders, we foster a collaborative work environment and an agile culture, in a unique and international context. 

We believe that diversity is an added value, and we are actively committed to building an inclusive business climate. 


  • Italy
  • Business analysis
  • Employee

Key Responsabilities

  • Collaborate with stakeholders to gather, analyse, and document business requirements.
  • Translate business needs into functional specifications for system improvements or new features.
  • Conduct detailed gap analysis and provide recommendations for solutions;
  • Identify opportunities for process improvements and recommend solutions to enhance system efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of new business processes and workflows;
  • Ensure timely and successful completion of project milestones.
  • Act as a liaison between business stakeholders and technical teams to ensure clear communication and understanding of requirements.
  • Facilitate meetings and workshops to gather input and feedback from stakeholders.
  • Provide regular updates on project status and deliverables to stakeholders.
  • Maintain comprehensive and up-to-date documentation of functional requirements, system designs, and configurations.

Candidate Profile

The ideal candidate has:

  • Significant existing knowledge and experience with business and functional analysis
  • Deep and extensive knowledge of the post trade – securities area
  • Possess strong knowledge of financial products, business processes within the Central Securities Depository scope
  • 5+ year experience in similar position
  • Knowledge of Settlement area and T2S platform
  • Knowledge of Asset and Corporate Action management
  • Knowledge of Issuance Process
  • Knowledge of Shareholder Directive
  • Preferably certification or knowledge of Scrum and Lean Six Sigma
  • Team working, problem solving, proactive
  • Excellent knowledge of English (both written and spoken), Italian mother tongue
  • Strong teamwork, problem-solving, and proactive skills
  • Experience working in an international context


  • Italy
  • Product management
  • Employee

Business Developer - Ancillary Services

Location: Milan, Italy (travels to Copenhagen, Oslo, Porto, and Paris is expected)

About Euronext Securities:

Euronext Securities stands at the forefront of providing innovative services across Norway, Denmark, Italy, and Portugal. As part of our strategic plan, we are focusing on the Ancillary Services within our Products division to achieve organic growth and strengthen our market position within Issuer, Tax and Data Services. To support this ambition, we are seeking a Business Developer who will be instrumental in driving our initiatives and enhancing our commercial strategies.

The Role:

This role is designed for an individual who can blend strategic thinking with effective execution. The Business Developer will work closely with several departments and business domains in the Group, and report to Head of Data Services. The position will play a pivotal role in identifying and developing new business opportunities, as well as leading initiatives to foster growth. This position is perfect for someone who possesses a blend of analytical skills and project leadership abilities, without necessarily being a traditional Project Manager.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Craft and implement strategies together with relevant teams to drive organic growth within Data Services.
  • Lead initiatives to enhance product offerings and penetrate new markets.
  • Analyse market trends and identify opportunities for business expansion.
  • Work collaboratively with team members to align efforts and achieve business objectives.
  • Develop compelling presentations and detailed financial analyses to support business cases and decision-making.
  • Engage with clients to gather feedback and tailor solutions to meet their needs.
  • Commercialization of new products and services.


  • A master’s degree in business administration, finance, or a related field.
  • 2-4 years of experience in business development, preferably with exposure with leveraging on large datasets and similar environments.
  • Strong analytical skills, with proficiency in PowerPoint and Excel.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication abilities, capable of fostering relationships with team members and clients alike.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead and manage initiatives independently with a proactive approach.
  • Willingness to travel frequently to support business needs.

What We Offer:

  • A key role in a reputable company during a pivotal phase of growth and strategic redirection.
  • The chance to work on a variety of projects with both strategic and operational impacts.
  • Exposure to an international business environment and opportunities for professional development.
  • A competitive compensation package.

Join Euronext Securities and contribute to shaping the future of our Ancillary Services division, leveraging your skills to drive growth and innovation in an exciting and dynamic environment.

Happy people clapping

Working at Euronext

Shape the future.

Grow in your career. 

Join Euronext.