How to list bonds on Euronext Oslo Børs

By listing bonds or short-term interest-bearing instruments commercial paper on Euronext Oslo Børs, borrowers gain access to a larger investor base because some investors will only buy listed/registered bonds and commercial paper. 

There are a number of reasons for some investors to make this distinction, including:

  • The requirement for an approved admission document ensures that investors have access to all the information relevant to their investment decision
  • Issuers have a continuing duty to provide the market with financial information and to notify any developments significant for the pricing of their interest-bearing securities
  • Professional and systematic surveillance of the market ensures fair and proper trading
  • Organised and efficient trading through a reliable trading system
  • Information on the market and individual issues is available on the Oslo Børs website

Other benefits of listing Debt securities on Euronext Oslo Børs

In addition to gaining access to more investors, listing interest-bearing securities offers a number of other benefits:

  • Publicity for the issuer on the Euronext website
  • Some brokers assert that investors accept a lower return for listed loans rather than unlisted loans
Euronext Oslo Børs is a regulated market in accordance with the terms of the Securities Trading Act.

The formal process for admission to listing is as follows:

  1. Approved EEA prospectus is submitted to Oslo Børs together with the listing application (In Norway prospectuses are inspected and approved by Finanstilsynet)
  2. The issuer’s duty of disclosure applies from the time of application for listing
  3. Oslo Børs reviews the submitted documentation up to the requirements of the Bond Rules on Oslo Børs and the administration decide bond issue to listing
  4. The bond loan may be admitted to listing at the earliest the day after disbursement date

A new issuer will be required to provide certain items of information additional to those mentioned above before its first loan can be admitted to listing.


The Bond Rules apply to the issuers of interest-bearing instruments on Oslo Børs. A number of conditions must be satisfied before an issue can be admitted to listing. These include requirements that the securities must be:

  • registered with a central securities depository
  • fully paid-up
  • freely transferable
  • for an issue of at least NOK 2 million

Bond loan

The issuer must produce a prospectus prior to applying for listing. The prospectus provides the basis for the decision on whether the securities are suitable for listing on the exchange. This evaluation pays particular attention to the presentation of the issuer and the provisions in the loan terms and conditions that are of significance for equal treatment of all bond/commercial paper holders. The prospectus will normally consist of a registration document which describes the borrower and a securities note which describes the loan. The contents of the two documents are subject to specific requirements.

Commercial Paper

An issue of interest-bearing instruments with an original maturity not exceeding 12 months is termed a commercial paper in the Norwegian market. Issuers can seek permission to prepare a listing document that is somewhat less detailed than a prospectus when listing a certificate loan. Where permission is granted, it is normally acceptable for the purpose of admission to listing for the issuer to prepare a commercial paper loan agreement and appoint an approved trustee for the loan.

Issuers of bonds and certificates shall pay fees in accordance with the general business terms and the current price list.

  • PDF

2024 - Schedule of fees for bonds Norway

English Version

English 2024 - Schedule of fees for bonds Norway /sites/default/files/2023-11/2024_-_schedule_of_fees_for_bonds_norway.pdf
  • PDF

2024 - Prisliste obligasjoner Oslo

Norwegian Version

Norwegian 2024 - Prisliste obligasjoner Oslo /sites/default/files/2023-11/2024_-_prisliste_obligasjoner_oslo.pdf
  • PDF

Notice 5.2 - Procedures for admission to trading of bonds

English Version

Notice 5.2 - Procedures for admission to trading of bonds English
  • PDF

Notis 5.2 - Prosedyrer for opptak til handel av obligasjoner

Norwegian Version

Notis 5.2 - Prosedyrer for opptak til handel av obligasjoner Norwegian
  • DOCX

Application Form (1.1) - New Issuers

English Version

English Application Form (1.1) - New Issuers /sites/default/files/2023-03/Application%20Form%20%281.1%29%20-%20New%20Issuers.docx
  • DOCX

Application Form (1.2) - Bonds

English Version

English Application Form (1.2) - Bonds /sites/default/files/2023-03/Application%20Form%20%281.2%29%20-%20Bonds.docx
  • DOCX

Application Form (1.3) – Municipalities and county municipalities

English Version

English Application Form (1.3) – Municipalities and county municipalities /sites/default/files/2020-12/Application%20Form%20%281.3%29%20-%20Kommuner%20og%20fylkeskommuner.docx
  • DOCX

Søknadsskjema (1.3) - Kommuner og fylkeskommuner

Norwegian Version

Norwegian Søknadsskjema (1.3) - Kommuner og fylkeskommuner /sites/default/files/2023-03/S%C3%B8knadsskjema%20%281.3%29%20-%20Kommuner%20og%20fylkeskommuner.docx
  • DOCX

Application Form (1.4) - Commercial papers

English Version

English Application Form (1.4) - Commercial papers /sites/default/files/2021-02/Application%20Form%20%281.4%29%20-%20Commercial%20papers.docx
  • DOCX

Oslo Børs – Lånebeskrivelse Fixed (kommuner og fylkeskommuner)

Norwegian Version

Norwegian Oslo Børs – Lånebeskrivelse Fixed (kommuner og fylkeskommuner) /sites/default/files/2020-12/Oslo%20B%C3%B8rs%20-%20L%C3%A5nebeskrivelse%20-%20Fastrente%20-%20MAL%20for%20kommuner.docx
  • DOCX

Oslo Børs - Lånebeskrivelse FRN (kommuner og fylkeskommuner)

Norwegian Version

Norwegian Oslo Børs - Lånebeskrivelse FRN (kommuner og fylkeskommuner) /sites/default/files/2020-12/Oslo%20B%C3%B8rs%20-%20L%C3%A5nebeskrivelse%20-%20FRN%20-%20MAL%20for%20kommuner.docx
  • PDF

Disclosure and distribution agreement

English Version

English Disclosure and distribution agreement /sites/default/files/2022-03/Disclosure%20and%20distribution%20agreement.pdf
  • PDF

Avtale om offentliggjøring og distribusjon

English Version

English Avtale om offentliggjøring og distribusjon /sites/default/files/2022-03/Avtale%20om%20offentliggj%C3%B8ring%20og%20distribusjon_0.pdf
  • PDF

Statement of acceptance - Guarantors (Oslo Børs)

English Version

English Statement of acceptance - Guarantors (Oslo Børs) /sites/default/files/2021-02/Statement%20of%20acceptance%20-%20Guarantors%20%28Oslo%20B%C3%B8rs%29.pdf
  • PDF

Statement of acceptance - Management Companies (Oslo Børs)

English Version

English Statement of acceptance - Management Companies (Oslo Børs) /sites/default/files/2021-02/Statement%20of%20acceptance%20-%20Management%20Companies%20%28Oslo%20B%C3%B8rs%29.pdf
  • PDF

Statement on admission to trading - foreign issuers (Oslo Børs)

English Version

English Statement on admission to trading - foreign issuers (Oslo Børs) /sites/default/files/2021-02/Statement%20on%20admission%20to%20trading%20-%20foreign%20issuers%20%28Oslo%20B%C3%B8rs%29.pdf
  • PDF

Notice - Separate announcement - Key information for change of maturity date

English Version

Notice - Separate announcement - Key information for change of maturity date English
  • PDF

Notice - Separate announcement - Key information for full redemption of bond loan

English Version

Notice - Separate announcement - Key information for full redemption of bond loan English
  • PDF

Notice - Separate announcement - Key information for partial redemption of bond loan

English Version

Notice - Separate announcement - Key information for partial redemption of bond loan English
  • PDF

Notice - Separate announcement - Key information ISIN change

English Version

Notice - Separate announcement - Key information ISIN change English
  • PDF

Notis - Separat melding - Nøkkelinformasjon ved endring av forfallsdato

Norwegian Version

Notis - Separat melding - Nøkkelinformasjon ved endring av forfallsdato Norwegian
  • PDF

Notis - Separat melding - Nøkkelinformasjon ved førtidig innfrielse av deler av obligasjonslån

Norwegian Version

Notis - Separat melding - Nøkkelinformasjon ved førtidig innfrielse av deler av obligasjonslån Norwegian
  • PDF

Notis - Separat melding - Nøkkelinformasjon ved førtidig innfrielse av hele obligasjonslånet

Norwegian Version

Notis - Separat melding - Nøkkelinformasjon ved førtidig innfrielse av hele obligasjonslånet Norwegian
  • PDF

Notis - Separat melding - Nøkkelinformasjon ved ISIN-endring

Norwegian Version

Notis - Separat melding - Nøkkelinformasjon ved ISIN-endring Norwegian


Euronext Oslo Børs

Bond listing