Collateral Management

Optimise liquidity using embedded features.

Whether you settle in VP or in T2S, you can choose between a number of liquidity optimizing features.

We cater for T2S Auto-Collateral in both DKK and EUR giving you access to intra-day liquidity for settlement of trades, as well as payment of Corporate Actions in T2S.

VP Auto-Collateral provides you with intra-day liquidity in DKK for VP settlement. This is directly integrated with the RTGS system, Kronos2, at Danmarks Nationalbank, which means that bank-to-bank payments, foreign-exchange settlement and retail clearing can be based on VP Auto-Collateral.



Direct connection to the international securities market.

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Kristoffer Kjelsø Sønderlev - Euronext Securities Copenhagen

Kristoffer Kjelsø Sønderlev

Head of Custody & Settlement Products, Euronext Securities Copenhagen

+45 2279 3689