Euronext response to ESMA consultation on market data guidelines


Euronext welcomes the opportunity to respond to ESMA’s consultation paper on the MiFID II/MiFIR obligations on market data. In our consultation response we review the draft guidelines in detail and identify some practical implications of the proposed guidelines that could be reassessed. It is our view that there is a need for guidelines in this area to be looked at in close consideration of the broader market data value chain, market data policies and processes in order to be able to achieve the desired end outcome, while keeping the impact on market data providers and users limited. In addition to commenting on the proposed guidelines, Euronext would like to encourage ESMA to allow for sufficient time for implementation of the guidelines once finalised.


Euronext response to ESMA consultation paper on guidelines on MiFID II/MiFIR obligations on market data

Euronext response to ESMA consultation on market data guidelines – Executive Summary

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