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IMC Weekend School


IMC Weekend School sound gong for Heroes Day 

Ambassadors of IMC Weekend School open the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange. On 10 June the third group of ten ambassadors will be officially sworn in on ‘Heroes Day’.

The ambassadors are selected alumni who follow a one year education after the regular education programme of three years. During the extra year the students learn how they can best articulate the impact IMC Weekend School has on them and others.

IMC Weekend School was founded in 1998 by psychologist Heleen Terwijn. During research on how young students are motivated, she discovered that most youngsters lose their motivation when they have an unclear view of their professional future. This is especially the case within poor neighbourhoods. Terwijn came with an effective solution for this problem. Passionate professionals voluntarily teach the youngsters on Sundays about their profession. The purpose of IMC Weekend School is to educate and inspire youngsters so they have a solid base to make the right choices regarding their future education and professional career. In 2018 IMC Weekend School celebrates her 20th birthday.

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