Dutch Circular Leadership Conference sounds gong at Exchange Drumming 2019
Assisted by 60 Amsterdam school children, today’s gong at Euronext Amsterdam is sounded by Mildred Hofkes, initiator of the Dutch Circular Leadership Conference, and Abel Koentjes, Future Circular Leader. The Dutch Circular Leadership Conference will take place on 28 November. One hundred Dutch managers, captains of industry and future leaders gather to shape the principles of circular management and circular leadership.
About the Dutch Circular Leadership Conference
Circular leadership is the leadership of the future. During the Dutch Circular Leadership Conference on 28 November in Circl Amsterdam current and future leaders in business, healthcare, education, financial markets, energy, banking, culture and NGO’s will work on an ‘action plan Netherlands as a frontrunner in circular leadership’. Every manager contributes, on behalf of their organization, to the Dutch Circular Leadership position paper, outlining the circular leadership agenda of the Netherlands. This position paper will be presented to the Dutch Government before the end of the year and will serve as inspiration during national and international meetings on leadership.
About Exchange Drumming
The annual Exchange Drumming (“Beurstrommelen”) is a centuries’ old tradition at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. We commemorate the brave action of an Amsterdam orphan boy, who during the Eighty Years’ War foiled an attempt by the Spanish to blow up the Exchange Building. As a thank you gesture, orphans were allowed to bang their drums in the building for a day.
This tradition is continued by Amsterdam schoolchildren to this day.
More information:
Dutch Circulair Leadership Conference: https://nieuwbestuur.nl/diensten/dutch-davos-congres/
Exchange Drumming: https://www.beursgeschiedenis.nl/moment/beurstrommelen/