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  • Rijksmuseum summer exhibitions

     |  Amsterdam


    Rijksmuseum summer exhibitions

    ING and Rijksmuseum kick off new series of summer exhibitions

    Rijksmuseum and their main sponsor ING sound the gong to open the summer season. The summer exhibitions at the Rijksmuseum include the free accessible exhibition of Jean Dubuffet in the gardens of the Rijksmuseum, medieval carving art at Small Wonders and a major retrospective of 19th century photography at the exhibition New Realities.

    Since 2005, Euronext listed, ING and Rijksmuseum have been working closely in attracting a broad audience to the museum and strengthening the relationship with Dutch visitors. The ING Rijksmuseum days e.g. offer ING customers a chance to get acquainted with the Rijksmuseum. In addition, ING is also sponsor of Rijksmuseum Schiphol, this one of a kind venture is the first art museum at an airport located beyond the passport control.

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  • The Challenge - Best finance professional

     |  Amsterdam


    The Challenge - Best finance professional

    Gong sounds for the winner of FD The Challenge Finance

    The gong is sounded by The Challenge Finance winner Krista Luijten. The Challenge Finance is an interactive event organized by Yacht Finance, Het Financieele Dagblad and BNR Nieuwsradio.

    The Challenge is an interactive live business event where four selected professionals compete for the win in their field. This concept fully fits the Yacht idea that professionals want to matter, want to make the difference for their organization, their field of study and for society.

    This edition of The Challenge Finance revolved around the question of which financial actions should be taken to ensure that scale-up Bloomon will become the first global flower brand, with the starting point: realizable, scalable and innovative. The client, the jury and the audience eventually chose Krista Luijten, working as Product Owner Risk Innovation at ABN AMRO, as Best Finance Professional 2017. Prior to The Challenge Finance 2017, The Financieele Dagblad and Yacht The Challenge have already organized two editions in 2016. The next Challenge, focused on the IT sector, is scheduled for November 2017.

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  • Fresh Funds

     |  Amsterdam


    Fresh Funds

    Fresh Funds opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange

    Fresh Fixed Income Fund sounds the gong to celebrate its one-year anniversary.  The fund allows investors the opportunity to invest in an active and professionally managed portfolio in fixed income. The primary objective is to subscribe to new issues. Those bonds frequently offer an extra premium and can be purchased without bid and offer spread. Both of these factors benefit the return.

    Fresh Fixed Income Fund is the first investment fund under the Fresh label of AIFMD manager OHV Institutional Asset Management BV. The fund kicked off with seed capital of € 27.7 million. Currently the assets under management have grown to € 67.5 million. Net return since inception is more than 4 percent.

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  • Van Lanschot Kempen

     |  Amsterdam


    Van Lanschot Kempen

    New name and ticker at Euronext for Van Lanschot Kempen

    Van Lanschot is now officially Van Lanschot Kempen. The existing ticker symbol on Euronext (currently LANS) will change to VLK. Karl Guha, Chariman of the Board, opens the trading day and launches the new name and brand, by sounding the gong.

    Karl Guha says: "With the introduction of this new group name, our communication with shareholders and other stakeholders closely matches our wealth management strategy. The name Van Lanschot Kempen reflects on the character of the company, our common culture and the changes we make. The individual brands of Lanschot, Evi and Kempen remain as trusted in the market and maintain their focus on private banking, private and institutional customers, respectively.“

    The name, the logo with tree, the foundation year 1737, and the chosen color, together reflect the power of the combination of Van Lanschot and Kempen.

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  • Candriam ETFs

     |  Paris


    Candriam ETFs

    Candriam ETFs list on Euronext Paris and cross-list on Euronext Amsterdam

    Koen Van de Maele, Deputy Chief Investment Officer of Candriam, opens the trading day in Paris for the listing of their ESG and Smart Beta specialised ETFs on Euronext Paris and cross-listing at Euronext Amsterdam. Candriam Investors Group is a leading pan-European multi-specialist asset manager with a 20-year track record and a team of 500 experienced professionals, managing about €107.2 bn AuM at the end of March 2017.

  • BinckBank

     |  Amsterdam



    BinckBank and Euronext strengthen knowledge cooperation

    BinckBank opens the trading day to mark the cooperation between Euronext and BinckBank. Binck Netherlands and Euronext Amsterdam will join forces to inform –potential – retail investors about various aspects of investing, including jointly organizing informative and educational initiatives. The aim is to expand knowledge about investing.

    Jeroen Sonsma, Director Binck Nederland, is happy with the cooperation with Euronext: “As the biggest broker on the Dutch market, our valued customer service team answer hundreds of questions from our clients on a daily base. It is evident that we would like to inform (potential) investors approaching Euronext and help answering their investor questions. In addition, it demonstrates confidence that we can do this together with Euronext.”

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  • Extensa bonds

     |  Brussels


    Extensa bonds

    ‘It’s good to be back’ said Extensa CEO Kris Verhellen just after CFO Laurent Jacquemart rang the bell to open the markets. Real estate developer Extensa celebrated the listing on Euronext Brussels of its bonds through the Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) programme.

  • Robeco SummerNights

     |  Amsterdam


    Robeco SummerNights

    Gong ceremony to mark the start of the Robeco SummerNights concert series

    Wilma van Rossum, Brand Manager at Robeco, and Carlien Blok, Head Marketing, Communications and Sales at The Concertgebouw, sound the gong at the Amsterdam exchange of Euronext to open the trading day. Entertainer Sven Ratzke will give a musical introduction to the striking of the gong.   

    The collaboration between Robeco and The Royal Concertgebouw on Robeco SummerNights – the longest-running and most successful partnership in the cultural sector – is about to start once again. Robeco and The Concertgebouw will start the 29th year of their collaboration. This 29th year promises another summer with soloists and orchestras from all over the world.

    During Robeco SummerNights, which this year will be held between 1 July and 31 August, audiences can enjoy over 80 concerts in The Concertgebouw in the classical, pop, jazz and world music genres. The music will vary from Max Richters 8-hour long SLEEP to three concerts by pianists Arthur and Lucas Jussen, and from the Aurora Orchestra playing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 by heart to ‘Viva la Diva’:  an evening of glitter and glamour with singers Tania Kross and Sven Ratzke and the Metropole Orchestra. And, as in every edition, there will be international youth orchestras present, amongst which the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester.

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  • Non-financial reporting

     |  Amsterdam


    Non-financial reporting

    Sounding of the gong for non-financial reporting

    The opening of the Amsterdam exchange of Euronext brings non-financial reporting to the attention. More and more organizations recognize the importance of non-financial reporting and actively work on such (integrated) reports.

    In addition to the financial results, these reports include the results on sustainability, governance, diversity, privacy and the environment. To emphasize the growing interest in non-financial reporting, Tjeerd Krumpelman, ABN AMRO's Head of Business Advisory, Reporting & Stakeholder Management,  and Nick de Ruiter, Partner at CSR Consultancy Company Sustainalize, sound the gong and open trading at the Amsterdam exchange.

    In addition to Sustainalize and ABN AMRO, the gong ceremony is attended by representatives of relevant institutions engaged in reporting non-financial information. Thus, representatives of the Global Reporting Initiative, Eumedion, the NBA and the Association of Investors in Sustainable Development (VBDO) are present. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, responsible for the annual Transparency Benchmark, is also in attendance.

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  • 20th listing anniversary ICT Group

     |  Amsterdam


    20th listing anniversary ICT Group

    ICT Group celebrates 20 years listed and passes milestone of 1,000 professionals

    ICT Group (ticker symbol: ICT) opens the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange to celebrate the fact that they have been listed for 20 years and the acquisition of High Tech Solutions (HTS). They hereby surpassed the milestone of 1,000 professionals.

    Roy Jansen, COO: “ICT Group and HTS have worked together on many occasions in the past and it was obvious that there was a cultural fit between the two companies. HTS brings new clients and specialized knowledge to the ICT Group and because of this acquisition our company now has more than 1,000 employees. Therefore, we are very proud to be here.”

    ICT Group is a leading industrial technology solutions and services provider. Over 1,000 passionate technical specialists are working for the ICT Group. The main subsidiaries of the ICT Group are: ICT Netherlands, Strypes, Raster, Improve, BMA and ICT Mobile.

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  • Listing Eandis bond

     |  Brussels


    Listing Eandis bond

    Piet Buyse, Chairman of the Board of Eandis, rings the bell to celebrate the listing of the company’s retail bond.

  • IPO Valbiotis

     |  Paris


    IPO Valbiotis

    Listing of Valbiotis on Euronext

    Sébastien Peltier, CEO of Valbiotis, opens the trading day in Paris.

    Valbiotis is a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the research and development of preventive and therapeutic products based on polymolecular complexes indicated at specific stages of progression of chronic metabolic pathologies such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia or NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatosis Hepatic).

  • AH Product Pitch

     |  Amsterdam


    AH Product Pitch

    Winner AH Product Pitch sounds gong

    The Amsterdam exchange is opened by Jesse van Donk, winner of the ‘AH Product Pitch 2017’, in the company of jury member Marit van Egmond, director Merchandising & Sourcing.

    Abel’s Deli, of entrepreneur Jesse van Donk, won the competition and gets on year shelf space at Albert Heijn, coaching to achieve growth and an investment package worth €125,000. The jury also appointed two runners-up, ‘Lekker in een Potje’ and ‘Boullion Brothers’, besides shelf space they also receive coaching an an investment package.

    With this competition, Albert Heijn wants to encourage young entrepreneurs and provide their customers with innovative products. Albert Heijn is part of Euronext listed Ahold Delhaize (ticker symbol: AD).

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  • Sail Den Helder

     |  Amsterdam


    Sail Den Helder

    Rabobank sounds gong for Sail Den Helder

    Rabobank, main sponsor of Sail Den Helder, visits the Amsterdam exchange to open trading ahead of the event. Harry Nieuwenhuizen, Executive Chairman Rabobank Kop van Noord-Holland, sounds the gong.

    Sail Den Helder, held from 22 - 25 June 2017, is the biggest public event in the province of Noord-Holland this year with the backdrop of the international Tall Ships. Visitors take a deep dive in the world of the Dutch maritime nautical heritage: Tall Ships, Dutch historic ships, modern ships and naval vessels as well as the rich history of navigation and ports that is still as important to our economy.

    Rabobank Kop van Noord-Holland is main sponsor and very visible in the harbor area. “Sail is good for the region and has social and economic significance. Everyone works hard to make it a success; us including" says Nieuwenhuizen. He supports the idea that Sail is also conscious about innovation: "We recently launched a masterclass ‘Innovation for businessmen’. It's our way of contributing. Innovation is really important, especially for our region.”

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  • Top-100 Corporate Women of the Netherlands

     |  Amsterdam


    Top-100 Corporate Women of the Netherlands

    Corporate Woman of the Netherlands visits Amsterdam exchange

    Management Scope recently published the Top-100 Corporate Women of the Netherlands in 2017. Petri Hofsté, Corporate Woman of the Netherlands 2017, opens the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong.

    Petri Hofsté is Member of the Supervisory Board at Fugro and not only extended her title, but also added a new position as Member of the Supervisory Board at Rabobank . The rest of her career also includes positions in the financial sector, including Supervisory positions at Achmea and KAS BANK. During her career, she has held various positions in the banking sector (as deputy CFO at ABN AMRO), supervisory sector (DNB divisional director), and in the pension sector (as CFO of APG).

    A female director is eligible for the title if she holds one or more positions as director or supervisory position at companies listed in the AEX, AMX or AScX-index and non-listed companies with an equity of more than 1 billion euros. Since 2016, the ranking has been extended from a Top-50 to a Top-100.

    Management Scope is a magazine for the top of business Netherlands. The editorial mix consists of interviews with CEOs and directors, analyzes and expert contributions about strategic business issues, leadership, governance and relevant social and technological developments.

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  • Triodos Real Estate Fund

     |  Amsterdam


    Triodos Real Estate Fund

    Sounding of the gong for Triodos Real Estate Fund

    Triodos Vastgoedfonds, the first European sustainable real estate fund, launches a fixed price offering of up to 11,463,182 newly issued ordinary shares. The new shares issued as a result of the private placement are listed on Euronext Amsterdam. Guus Berkhout, Fund Manager Triodos Vastgoedfonds, opens the trading day by sounding the gong.

    Triodos Real Estate Fund was founded in 2004 and is the first sustainable real estate fund in Europe. The fund invests exclusively in sustainable  build  managed buildings and monuments. Triodos Investment Management links investors who want to put their money into permanent, positive change, with innovative entrepreneurs and sustainable companies that are working on just that. In this way they serve as a catalyst in those sectors that play a key role in the transition to a fairer, more sustainable world.

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  • WDP celebrates DHL partnership

     |  Amsterdam


    WDP celebrates DHL partnership

    WDP celebrates partnership with DHL by sounding gong

    Real estate specialist WDP (ticker symbol: WDP) opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange, celebrating its long term partnership with DHL. By building a new sort center for DHL Parcel in Amsterdam, WDP is now developing the tenth site within its property portfolio for DHL in the Benelux. The new site is being built by construction company Aan de Stegge Twello. The warehouse will also be equipped with solar panels, in collaboration with Encon. This makes it the sixtieth WDP solar roof.

    WDP develops and invests in logistics property (warehouses and offices). WDP's property portfolio amounts to more than 3 million m². This international portfolio of semi-industrial and logistics buildings is spread over more than 160 sites at prime logistics locations for storage and distribution in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Romania.

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     |  Paris



    Listing of ALD on Euronext

    Mike Masterson, CEO of ALD opens the trading day in Paris

    ALD specializes in long-term leasing and fleet management. ALD’s activity is organized around 4 areas:
    ## long-term car leasing: rental of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, electric cars and 2-wheel vehicles to individuals and businesses;
    ## fleet management: assistance, maintenance, tire management, replacement, insurance, etc. ;
    ## medium-term car leasing: rental of vehicles for 1 to 12 months;
    ## sale of used vehicles.
    At the end of 2016, the group had a fleet of 1,375,000 vehicles.
