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Borsa Italiana: fourth edition of AIM Italia Conference starts today


  • 67 AIM Italia listed companies attend the digital AIM Italia Conference
  • More than 1,100 meetings requested by over 140 investors attending, representing nearly 90 investment firms and 54 analysts

Milan – 25 May 2021 – Starting today until 27 May Borsa Italiana, part of the Euronext Group, organises the 4th edition of the AIM Italia Conference in a digital format.

This edition sees increasing numbers with the 67 AIM Italia companies and over 900 one-to-one meeting organised with institutional investors and nearly 200 meetings organised with analysts.

During the meetings companies can show their activities, goals and future growth strategies to investors and analysts.

More than 140 investors attending represent nearly 90 foreign and Italian investment firms. In particular, 56% of them is represented by Italian investment firms and 44% are foreign, including Switzerland (10%), Nordics (8%), France (7%), Germany (6%), UK (5%), Spain (3%), USA (1%) and other countries (4%).

AIM Italia

AIM Italia currently counts 142 listed companies with a total capitalisation of €7.5 billion and an average capitalisation of €54 million. (As of 30/04/2021 ) 

In recent years AIM Italia is experiencing a significant growth and has consolidated itself as a reference market for Italian small and medium-sized companies, often at the first access to capital the markets. Since the beginning of 2021, eight companies have listed on AIM Italia, testament of the growing trend in the number of listings that saw 23 companies listed last year, despite macroeconomic uncertainties due to the pandemic.

The companies listed on AIM Italia are representative of a wide range of sectors, including industrial, technology, consumer goods and services. About 42% of the companies are innovative SMEs.

Barbara Lunghi, Head of Primary Markets in Italy for Borsa Italiana, indicates: "It is important, more than ever, to create a growing number of opportunities for listed companies to networking and meet investors. AIM Italia companies are dynamic, ambitious and it is key for investors to be up to date when it comes to their strengths, future plans and objectives. We are delighted that this edition of the AIM Italia Conference has reached the record number of nearly 1,100 meetings between companies and investors and analysts, testament of the interest that Italian and foreign investors have in companies listed on our markets."

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