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Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Open the trading day on the Amsterdam stock exchange

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

KLM 65th listing anniversary

Gong ceremony Euronext Amsterdam

Banging the drums, a 400-year-old tradition
Every day at exactly 9am, trading on Euronext Amsterdam is ceremonially opened by sounding the gong.
De gong; een eewenoude traditie

The gong: an age-old tradition

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in the world and a household name in the Netherlands and abroad. As early as the 17th century, trading was opened and closed by sounding a gong. Today, all securities trading is automated and the opening is a ceremonial act. Directors of listed companies, business people, politicians and charity ambassadors have helped keep this tradition alive in recent years. 

Amsterdam Gong Ceremonies

  • Young Captain Award Netherlands

     |  Amsterdam


    Young Captain Award Netherlands

    Ivo Steffens, Director of Commerce and Lead Com-IT of the Dutch Railways, NS, was elected Young Captain 2021 yesterday evening. To celebrate his award, Steffens opened the trading day by sounding the gong.

    This was the 17th year of the award, which is presented to the most talented and young business leader on their way to the top of the business world.

    The annual Young Captain Award allows the Young Captain Netherlands Foundation to raise the public profile of the next generation of decision-makers from the leading Dutch business community at an early stage of their careers.

    The group was welcomed by Alexander Voorham, Junior Account Manager Listing.

    Young Captain Award Netherlands

     |  Amsterdam


    Launch of the platform

    This morning, the launch of the educational platform was celebrated by sounding the gong by Evelien Hoekman, project leader of the initiative.

    The platform was developed at the initiative of the Capital Amsterdam Foundation to be able to inform the younger generation in an independent and reliable way about the possibilities of investing.

    The group was welcomed by René van Vlerken, Head of Listing at Euronext Amsterdam and also board member of Stichting Capital Amsterdam.
  • ICT Media

     |  Amsterdam


    ICT Media – gong ceremony

    Mel Jacobs, CIO Private Banking and Corporate and Institutional Banking at ABN AMRO Bank, sounded the gong today. Last week, Jacobs was declared as the winner of the CIO of the Year Award 2021, thanks to her role in the digital transformation of the bank and by setting an excellent example of a modern leader. The group was welcomed by Marianne Brackel, Senior Liquidity Provider Sales Manager of Euronext Amsterdam.

    ICT Media
  • Listing BenevolentAI – Gong ceremony

     |  Amsterdam


    Listing BenevolentAI – Gong ceremony

    Joanna Shields, CEO of BenevolentAI, and her team sounded the Gong this morning to celebrate the listing of the company on Euronext Amsterdam. BenevolentAI is a leading, clinical-stage AI-enabled drug discovery company that got listed on Euronext Amsterdam following a business combination with the Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) Odyssey Acquisition S.A.. They were welcomed by Simone Huis in ‘t Veld (CEO Euronext Amsterdam) and René van Vlerken (Head of Listing Euronext Amsterdam).

    Listing BenevolentAI – Gong ceremony
  • Launch Deloitte Fast50

     |  Amsterdam


    Launch Deloitte Fast50 – gong ceremony

    The Deloitte Technology Fast 50 is the ranking of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in the Netherlands. With this annual ranking, the fifty fastest growing technology companies in the Netherlands are recognized for their exceptional growth performance.

    By sounding the gong the winners of 2021 celebrate their great achievements.

    The gong ceremony also symbolizes the start of the 2022 edition. Registration is possible from April 20th .

    The group was welcomed by Alexander Voorham, Junior Account Manager Listing at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Launch Deloitte Fast50
  • RTL Z Beursspel

     |  Amsterdam


    RTL Z Beursspel – gong ceremony

    The RTL Z Beursspel will start again on Tuesday 19 April. Entirely according to tradition, Theo Clemens from Almere, the winner of the Beursspel Autumn 2021, sounded the gong for this occasion. The RTL Z Beursspel is an informative game in which participants learn to invest with the fictitious amount of €100,000. The group was welcomed by Marianne Aalders, Communications Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.

    RTL Z Beursspel
  • Varrlyn

     |  Amsterdam


    Varrlyn – gong ceremony

    Varrlyn is a consultancy firm, founded in 2010, that advises financial institutions on system implementations and applications and dealing rooms in particular.

    To celebrate the 12th anniversary, Martin Defauwes, Director of Varrlyn, opened the trading day this morning by sounding the gong.

    Varrlyn’s team was welcomed by Marianne Aalders, Communications Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.

  • ABN AMRO Clearing Bank

     |  Amsterdam


    ABN AMRO Clearing Bank - gong ceremony

    At the beginning of this year, ABN AMRO Clearing launched a new infrastructure for its corporate clients, such as brokers, to allow their end client to invest fractionally.

    On the occasion of the introduction of fractional investing on Dutch markets, Jan Bart de Boer, CCO of ABN AMRO Clearing, sounded the gong to open the trading day this morning.

    The ABN AMRO Clearing team was welcomed at Euronext Amsterdam by Dirk Donker, Head of Retail Services, and Robin van Rijn, Client Relationship Manager of the Netherlands.

    ABN AMRO Clearing Bank
  • Brunel & NVA Autism week

     |  Amsterdam


    Brunel & NVA Autism week – Gong ceremony

    Brunel International N.V., the business services provider that this year marks 25 years of listing on Euronext Amsterdam, has been raising the visibility of the Dutch Autism Association for some years now.

    As part of the NVA Autism Week 2022, the two organisations opened the trading day together. The gong was sounded by Birsen Basar, NVA ambassador since 2014. With her books, presentations and films, she tries to raise awareness of autism, particularly in different cultures.

    The association was welcomed by Marianne Aalders, Communication Manager at Euronext Amsterdam .

    Brunel & NVA Autism week
  • LYNX

     |  Amsterdam


    LYNX – Gong ceremony

    In celebration of winning the Golden Bull Award for ‘Best Broker 2021’, Ellen Ginkel, CEO of LYNX sounded the gong this morning.

    The jury particularly praised LYNX for its customer satisfaction, which was rated as the best by Dutch investors.

    The company was welcomed by Robin van Rijn, Client Relationship Manager and Lennart Visser, Junior Product Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.   

    LYNX LYNX - bell ceremony Amsterdam
  • GO Public

     |  Amsterdam


    GO Public

    Today, the kick-off for GO Public Amsterdam was celebrated with a traditional gong ceremony.

    GO Public is the executive educational course launched in 2021 with the ambition to further educate established companies about the capital markets. The programme provides executives with the necessary tools and knowledge to assist a mature company to gain access to the capital markets..

    Representatives of GO Public’s partners - De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Deloitte, ING, Hill & Knowlton, Oaklins, Stibbe and PWC – joined René van Vlerken, Head of Listing Euronext Amsterdam, and Alexander Voorham, Account manager Listing Euronext Amsterdam, on stage.

    GO Public GO Public
  • OHV Asset Management

     |  Amsterdam


    OHV Asset Management gong ceremony

    Erik Bakker, General Manager of OHV Asset Management, sounded the gong this morning to mark the 90th anniversary of OHV at Euronext Amsterdam.

    OHV has an ecosystem of asset-management, executing trades on exchanges and a number of mutual funds. OHV also offers access to illiquid markets such as SME financing, facilitating access for its private and institutional clients.

    The company was welcomed by Robin van Rijn, Client Relationship Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.

    OHV Asset Management 20220324 OHV Asset Management
  • European investors-VEB

     |  Amsterdam


    European investors-VEB

    To celebrate the association’s 98th anniversary, Gerben Everts, Director of European Investors at-VEB, sounded the gong this morning in the presence of VEB employees.

    As ambassador of the Run4Schools foundation, Gerben Everts was joined by a group of runners who will run the Two Oceans Ultra-Marathon next month to raise money for sports facilities and guidance in the Mitchells Plain township in South Africa.

    Since 1924, the investor association VEB has represented the interests of more than 1.75 million investors in the Netherlands, both private and institutional.

    Simone Huis in ‘t Veld, CEO of Euronext, welcomed the association to Euronext Amsterdam.

    European investors-VEB European investors-VEB
  • CSR Manager of the year 2020/21

     |  Amsterdam


    CSR Manager of the year 2020/21

    Marianne van Keep (Chief Sustainability Officer at Verstegen Spices & Sauces), has been named CSR Manager of the Year 2020/21. To celebrate this occasion, she sounded the gong this morning.

    The award aims to put in the spotlight the efforts of enthusiastic CSR managers.

    Marianne van Keep was welcomed with some company by Cees Colijn, Head of HR of Euronext Amsterdam and Brussels.

    CSR Manager of the year 2020/21 MVO Manager van het jaar
  • Kick-off pre-IPO program TechShare

     |  Amsterdam


    Euronext Amsterdam - Kick-off pre-IPO program TechShare

    For the 7th time in a row Euronext has launched its successful pre-IPO programme TechShare. This pan-European pre-IPO educational programme supports European Tech companies aiming to go public in the next 1 to 3 years and is being organised in ten countries. In honour of the kick-off of TechShare at Euronext Amsterdam, René van Vlerken (Head of Listings Euronext Amsterdam) and his team welcomed representatives of both participants and partners for a traditional Gong ceremony.

    Kick-off pre-IPO program TechShare TechShare 2022 Amsterdam
  • Aegon Cappital – 10-year anniversary

     |  Amsterdam


    Aegon Cappital – 10-year anniversary

    Marianne de Boer, CEO of Aegon Cappital, sounded the gong this morning on the occasion of their 10th anniversary. Aegon Cappital is one of the permanent partners of Euronext Amsterdam. The company of Aegon Cappital was welcomed by Cees Colijn, Head of HR of Euronext Belgium and the Netherlands.

    Aegon Cappital – 10-year anniversary Aegon Cappital
  • SPDR Climate Funds

     |  Amsterdam


    SPDR Climate Funds – gong ceremony

    Philippe Roset, Head of SPDR ETFs van Noord Europa, sounded the gong this morning to celebrate the listing of the SPDR Climate Funds on Euronext Amsterdam. The funds are designed to allow investors to decarbonise their portfolios swiftly, effectively, and efficiently, with minimal disruption.

    The company was welcomed by Robin van Rijn, Client Relationship Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Download photo

    SPDR Climate Funds
  • International Woman’s Day

     |  Amsterdam


    International Woman’s Day – gong ceremony

    On International Woman’s Day, UN Women, Woman in ETF and Global Compact Network Netherlands opened the markets by sounding the gong.

    With this year’s theme being ‘Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’, we recognise the contribution of women and girls around the world, who are leading the charge on climate sustainability and innovation.

    Saskia Klep, CEO of Saxo Bank Netherlands and Britta Achmann, CRO of Flow Traders were welcomed by Simone Huis in ‘t Veld, CEO of Euronext Amsterdam. Enaam Ahmed Ali, the UN Women's Representative for 2022, had the honor of sounding the gong this morning to open the trading day.

    Download photo

    International Woman’s Day

Would you like to sound the gong with your company at Beursplein 5?

Open the trading day at Euronext Amsterdam

Companies or institutions that have a natural connection to the Amsterdam capital market can be invited to take part in a gong ceremony. For example, this might be to mark a special milestone or to raise awareness of a charity. 

The ceremony starts with a reception hosted by a senior Euronext Amsterdam representative in the former Board Room at Beursplein 5. Just before 9 am, the participants and their guests take their place on the gong stage to open the trading day, The gong is sounded at 9 am precisely. The group then  returns to the Boardroom for a cup of coffee. 

Media coverage

The gong strike is broadcast live every morning on RTL Z. A picture of the gong strike illustrates the daily stock market report on the Financiële Telegraaf's website. In addition, Euronext shares the images on its social media channels.

Photos and video footage taken of the gong ceremony are shared with guests, who are free to use them for their own communications and on social media. 

Media coverage gong

Practical information


Timings for gong ceremonies at Beursplein 5 are as follows:

Reception: 8.30 am

Sounding of the gong: 9.00 am

End: 9.15 - 9.30 am

Group size: minimum 8 people, maximum 15 people.

There is no charge for the gong ceremony.

Additional options

You can combine your gong ceremony with the Amsterdam Exchange Experience: a special tour of the stock exchange building. 

Or if you would like to use the gong ceremony to kick off a conference or event, consider organising your event at Beursplein 5. Euronext has several historic rooms where events for 10 to 150 people can be held.

The Euronext Events Team will be happy to give you all the information you need about the options available. 

Aanvraag Gongceremonie

Door het versturen van dit formulier geef ik de Euronext groep toestemming contact met mij op te nemen over de mogelijkheden voor het bijwonen of organiseren van een gongceremonie. Privacy Statement. 

Events team


+31 (0)20 721 4119