Young captain Award 2019 – Winner: Nicoline van Leersum
Nicoline van Leersum, winner of the Young Captain Award 2019, opens trading on the Amsterdam stock exchange by sounding the gong.
Nicoline van Leersum was in the final with two other management talents from the Dutch business community:
1. Eric Jones, ABN AMRO, Managing Director Skillpool Advice
2. Dustin Woodward, Friesland Campina, Managing Director Africa
About the Young Captain Award
The Young Captain Award is an initiative of the Young Captain Netherlands Foundation. With the awarding, the upcoming generation of decision makers will be brought under the public’s attention.
In cooperation with the Nyenrode Business University, the Young Captain Foundation organizes the Young Bilderberg Conference, a unique think tank of young business leaders.
The foundation also organizes the two-day Young Captains program in collaboration with the Award partners. Candidates are prepared for the next steps in their careers.
The award has been awarded since 2005 to the most talented young business leader who showed daring, decisiveness and originality in an early phase of their career, who thinks internationally and who sees leadership as a social, personal and economic responsibility.
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