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World Wish Day


Make a Wish Netherlands sounds the gong for World Wish Day

Karin Wiebenga, member of the Make-A-Wish Bizz Breakfast from the Duin- and Bollenstreek, sounds the gong for World Wish Day together with volunteers of Make-A-Wish The Netherlands.

Every year on 29 April, Make-A-Wish celebrates World Wish Day all over the world. In 1980 the first wish was granted for 7-year old Chris. His dearest wish was being a cop. The whole village showed enthusiasm to fulfil his wish. Make-A-Wish The Netherlands, formerly Doe Een Wens, exists since 1989 and annually fulfills more than 500 dearest wishes of children between 3 and 18 years with a life-threatening illness. A wish fulfillment means the world for these children and provides them and their entire family with strength and energy for the future.

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