Euronext Commodity Price Risk Management Tools

How to manage price risk with Euronext Commodities

Price discovery and risk management tools for producers, exporters, trading houses, refiners, processors and manufacturers.
Offering exposure to agricultural commodity markets for managed funds, institutional investors and proprietary traders.

Commodities News

Get key insights on the agricultural commodity markets and follow the latest trends. Made by Euronext and industry experts.

Read the latest news from the Euronext Commodities team.


Euronext Commodities in 2023

  •  2023 was another challenging year for commodities and the Euronext MATIF franchise continues its commitment towards the agricultural sector by helping participants to manage price risk management.
  • Making the grains and oilseeds markets safer, more efficient, and transparent is key, and the Euronext agricultural futures and options contracts acted as global benchmarks for the industry.

Cash-settled or physically delivered commodity derivatives?

Want to understand the difference between a contract with cash-settlement and a contract with physical delivery in the commodities world?

In this video, find out about how they both work and how you can manage the price risk using them.

Durum wheat

Cash-settled European Durum Wheat Futures

  • Trade using a true price reference for the Durum Wheat industry
  • Avoid risk of inadvertent physical delivery of goods thanks to the cash-settlement

Today's market

View a snapshot of today's prices and volumes

COT Reports

Weeky COT reports.

Aggregated positions per contract and category.


Browse our commodities directory to find detailed contract specifications.

Request for Cross List

The Euronext MATIF Options market can be accessed through two mechanisms that have evolved over time. These mechanisms are either screen based order entry via the Euronext central order book, or through the Request for Cross (RFC) facility.

*This non-exhaustive list includes market participants for the period 1 July 2021- 30 June 2022, who access the options market through the RFC mechanism. They have accepted to be published in this list.

**If you would like to be included or removed please contact the commodities team:


High levels of liquidity

Corn field being harvested

Corn Volumes and Open Interest

Rapeseed being harvested

Rapeseed Volumes and Open Interest

Wheat being harvested

Milling Wheat Volumes and Open Interest

Euronext Inventory Management

Transferable electronic certificates & warrants system for commodities

Benefit from a secure, digitised system providing full transferable, pledgeable title of commodity ownership for both the delivery of Euronext-listed commodities contracts, and for financing purposes.

  • An electronic register developed with key industry players (cooperatives, traders, corporates, banks) to provide a secure, fully transferable, pledgeable title of commodity ownership
  • Operates in all Euronext countries with eligible jurisdictions
  • Simplified, automated system ensures increased visibility of Euronext-listed commodities stored in non-Euronext delivery silos
  • Facilitates hedging, trading and financing for users of Euronext-listed commodities and physical traders.

EIM Factsheet (EN) EIM Factsheet (FR)


Wholesale Trading

Off-order book on-exchange trading for Euronext commodity contracts: Against Actuals, Large-in-Scale, Exchange for Swaps and Exchange of Options for Options

Derivatives Tradable from U.S.

Key commodity and financial derivatives contracts directly accessible to U.S. clients.

Nord Pool logo - Call out

Nord Pool

The leading European power market.


To trade Euronext commodities, contact your broker today or email our