9-13 September 2024
Join our events for the Belgian financial community during our Euronext Sustainability week.
Click for more information and register.
We aim at strengthening the financial ecosystem in Brussels, through a multi-faceted approach. Embracing innovation, enhancing regulations, promoting financial education, supporting sustainable finance, and fostering collaboration are key pillars to unlock markets’ growth and resilience. By strategically investing in these areas and continuously adapting to evolving trends, Euronext Brussels can reinforce Brussel’s position as a leading financial centre, attract global investments, and help entrepreneurs and business leaders realise their ambition by:
Benoit van den Hove
CEO Euronext Brussels
Join our events for the Belgian financial community during our Euronext Sustainability week.
Click for more information and register.
Euronext Brussels benefits from a unique ecosystem of banks, lawyers, auditors, communication agencies and listing sponsors able to assist companies seeking to go public and raise funds. Our market is not only internationally recognised for its strong and dynamic biotech and real-estate franchises, it offers financing solutions, visibility and credibility to more than 100 companies from all sectors and of all sizes. All Brussels-listed companies benefit from Euronext's single pool of liquidity and broad pan-European network.
To have an informal chat on the financing needs of your company, do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Sophie Stegen
Head of Listing in Belgium
The Euronext Expert Market offers a unique secondary market for non-listed securities.
Any shareholder or bondholder can offer their securities for sale in a secure and transparent environment.
On the Expert Market you can trade Bank Bills (Bons de caisse-Kasbons) as well as family-owned non listed companies or crowdfunded companies.
Private investors cannot trade directly with the Exchange. They require a bank, broker or private wealth manager to execute their order on the Euronext trading platform. Our broker list provides you with an overview of accredited intermediaries.
Seven companies listed in Brussels are part of the index.
Bell ringer Geert OLBRECHTS - Senior Vice President Research & Technology and Supply, Umicore Automotive Catalyst at Umicore
Seven companies listed in Brussels are part of the index.
Bell ringer Geert OLBRECHTS - Senior Vice President Research & Technology and Supply, Umicore Automotive Catalyst at Umicore
New entrant in the Euronext Tech Leaders indexBrusselsEuronext congratulates Barco and Melexis for entering the BEL 20 and Gimv, Ontex and VGP for being included in the BEL ESG.
Françoise Chombar (Chairwoman of Melexis) and Frank Donck (Chairman of Barco) rang the Euronext bell in presence of Koen Dejonckheere (CEO of Gimv), Hilde Laga (Chairwoman of Gimv), Hans Van Bylen (Chairman of Ontex) and Bart Van Malderen (Chairman of VGP)
Euronext congratulates Barco and Melexis for entering the BEL 20 and Gimv, Ontex and VGP for being included in the BEL ESG.
Françoise Chombar (Chairwoman of Melexis) and Frank Donck (Chairman of Barco) rang the Euronext bell in presence of Koen Dejonckheere (CEO of Gimv), Hilde Laga (Chairwoman of Gimv), Hans Van Bylen (Chairman of Ontex) and Bart Van Malderen (Chairman of VGP)
New entrant in the BEL ESG and BEL 20 indexesBrussels| Brussels
BEL ESG Index has been designed to meet sustainable investment needs, the BEL® ESG index tracks 20 Brussels-listed companies combining the best Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices with strong investibility metrics.
AB Inbev - Ackermans & van Haaren - Aedifica - Aperam - Barco Bekaert - Bpost - Cofinimmo -Elia Group - Fagron – GBL - KBC Group - Lotus Bakeries - Proximus - Shurgard - Sofina – Solvay – Telenet - UCB - WDP
BEL ESG Index has been designed to meet sustainable investment needs, the BEL® ESG index tracks 20 Brussels-listed companies combining the best Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices with strong investibility metrics.
AB Inbev - Ackermans & van Haaren - Aedifica - Aperam - Barco Bekaert - Bpost - Cofinimmo -Elia Group - Fagron – GBL - KBC Group - Lotus Bakeries - Proximus - Shurgard - Sofina – Solvay – Telenet - UCB - WDP
BEL ESG index launchBrusselsVisit our Live Markets website for overviews, product specifications and quotes of all listed and traded products. The buttons below will offer you quick access to the Brussels markets. For the full Euronext offer please visit:
Since 1 April 2011, the supervision of the Belgian financial sector is organised with two autonomous regulatory bodies, the Belgian National Bank (BNB) and the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA).
This bipartite model, known as the “Twin Peaks” model, is intended to provide a structure for the two major objectives of the supervision of the financial sector:
A single Euronext Rule Book governs trading on all Euronext Securities and Derivatives Markets. It contains both harmonised and non-harmonised, or local, rules.
The harmonised rules are as follows:
The non-harmonised rules are as follows:
Completion of the Bourse Palace, one of the most emblematic buildings of Brussels, designed by architect Léon Suys
Completion of the Bourse Palace, one of the most emblematic buildings of Brussels, designed by architect Léon Suys
The Brussels Stock Exchange is founded by Napoleon
The Brussels Stock Exchange is founded by Napoleon
Belgium is the birthplace of the “Bourse” concept.
Belgium is the birthplace of the “Bourse” concept. Merchants used to gather in two pubs of “Van der Buerse”, a family in Bruges, to do business by trading letters of exchange between Italian and Nordic merchants.
For any questions about Euronext in Belgium, please email infobrussels@euronext.com
1 Rue du Marquis, bte 1/ Markiesstraat 1, 1000 Bruxelles/Brussel