Derivatives tradable from U.S.

Euronext Paris and Euronext Amsterdam have been recognized by the CFTC as having Foreign Board of Trade (FBoT) status in the United States. Our North American sales team can help you find the best way to trade our markets.

Euronext Derivatives Contracts

These contracts are recognised as major benchmarks internationally and attract significant flows from investors across the world.

CAC 40® Index Future:

Invest in our most traded futures contract offering exposure to France’s national benchmark index, the CAC 40®, and benefit from an attractive liquidity pool with monthly rolls.

CAC 40® Dividend Index Future:

Hedge your dividend risk or take a directional view on the dividend payments of the CAC 40® Index companies.

CAC 40® Total Return Future:

A cost-efficient listed solution replicating the economics of a Total Return Swap. Access the implied equity repo rate on the constituents of the CAC 40® Index.

Euronext® Eurozone ESG Large 80 Index Future: 

Gain exposure to the Eurozone's sustainable economy, with high standards to support energy transition, and hedge related ETFs or structured products. 

Euronext® Eurozone Banks Index Future:

Offers investors an opportunity to access the Eurozone banking sector at a fair cost and to benefit from clearing efficiencies.

Commodity Derivatives contracts

Euronext Commodity Derivatives are a dynamic, fast-growing franchise, established as an international benchmark with a diverse customer base led by commercial hedgers, funds, proprietary traders and investment banks from Europe and the U.S.

Euronext Commodity Derivatives contracts are included in major commodity indices: the Rogers International Commodity Index® (RICI®) and the S&P World Commodity IndexTM.

The Euronext Milling Wheat Futures contract is established as a global benchmark for the commodities industry. On 13 August 2021 it saw a record 154k lots traded, which represents over 10.3 million tons (equivalent to 8% of annual EU wheat production).

Milling Wheat:

Milling Wheat Future

Option on Milling Wheat Future

Durum Wheat:

Durum Wheat Future

Corn Derivatives:

Corn Future

Option on Corn Future

Rapeseed complex:

Rapeseed Future 

Option on Rapeseed Future


Commodities Derivatives

Financial Derivatives