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All Bell ceremonies

  • BPI Real Estate

     |  Brussels


    BPI Real Estate

    Euronext Bruxelles a accueilli BPI Real Estate lors d’une cérémonie d’ouverture des marchés afin de célébrer la cotation d’une nouvelle obligation.


  • NL Get it done

     |  Amsterdam


    NL Get it done

    Organisation NL Get it done visits Euronext Amsterdam

    NL Get it done is a collaboration between NL2025 and Get it done in which young professionals, creatives, influencers and an extensive media network are connected to local, social initiatives in the Netherlands. Hanna Verboom, founder of Get it done, sounds the gong.

    NL Get it done is a collaboration between NL2025 and Get it done in which young professionals, creatives, influencers and an extensive media network are connected to local, social initiatives in the Netherlands.

    NL2025 is a platform where leaders from the cultural and scientific world, artist, CEO’s and athletes have joined. They are all involved on a personal title to step up for a better future of the Netherlands based on the pay-it-forward principle. Get it done was one of the first crowdfunding platforms in the Netherlands. Initially funding small scale development projects worldwide Get it done has launched a new strategy in the Netherlands in order to create sustainable solutions for local initiatives.

    For more information: www.nl.getitdone.org

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  • Light for the World Foundation

     |  Amsterdam


    Light for the World Foundation

    Light for the World Foundation celebrates 35th anniversary

    The Light for the World Foundation celebrates its 35th anniversary, which is marked by the sounding of the gong at the Amsterdam exchange.

    Exactly 35 years ago, Light for the World was founded by ophthalmologist Martien Cozijnsen and his wife Jenny. The work started with a school for the blind in Thailand and has expanded vastly over the years. Providing opportunities for people with disabilities in the poorest countries is still the core mission of the organization. Light for the World calls on companies active in Africa to get started with the inclusion of youth with disabilities in the workplace. The foundation can provide advice and practical support in this.

    For more information: www.lightfortheworld.nl

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  • Amsterdam Entrepreneur Award

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam Entrepreneur Award

    Winner Amsterdam Entrepreneur Award opens the exchange

    Bianca van der Lee, founder of Chaud Devant has won the Amsterdam Entrepreneur Award 2017 (Amsterdamse Ondernemersprijs) and opens the trading day at Beursplein 5.

    From the finalists, Van der Lee was chosen as the winner of this award by a professional jury and 1,500 entrepreneurs. The Amsterdam Entrepreneur Award is an award for the most creative and innovative entrepreneur in Amsterdam. The prize is awarded annually and is, among others, an initiative of the municipality of Amsterdam, MKB-Amsterdam and Rabobank.

    Chaud Devant develops high-quality, professional and fashionable collections for the modern chef, kitchen team and serving staff. After more than 20 years, all designs are still produced in the company’s studio and headquarters in Amsterdam. These designs can be found in more than 20 countries around the world.

    For more information: www.amsterdam.nl

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  • Paris Europlace

     |  Paris


    Paris Europlace

    Paris Europlace ouvre les marchés européens à Paris 

    Attirer l'attention pour le rôle des centres financiers mondiaux dans la mobilisation des capitaux afin d'accelerer les actions climatiques.

    En tant qu'opérateur de marchés, Euronext a un rôle important à jouer pour canaliser l'épargne et l'investissement vers la transition énergétique. Assurer l'optimisation de nos méthodologies, avec d'autres parties prenantes, confirme notre engagement à encourager les investisseurs à opter pour une gestion de portefeuille de plus en plus responsable et des actifs sous-jacents compatibles avec les différents produits liés aux indices, notamment dans la finance verte. 

    Le Ministère de l’Environnement italien, Paris EUROPLACE avec son initiative Finance for Tomorrow et UN Environment
    organisent un événement de haut niveau sur la définition du rôle des places financières leaders au niveau mondial dans la mobilisation des capitaux pour l’accélération de l’action en faveur du climat.
    L’événement a lieu le lendemain du « One Planet Summit » organisé par le Président Macron pour célébrer
    le deuxième anniversaire de l’Accord de Paris. Il dessine les contours du nouveau réseau international des places
    financières durables, engagées pour la « soutenabilité », initié par la présidence italienne du G7 en 2017.
    L’événement est également l’occasion de présenter le premier rapport sur « l’état des lieux » du réseau préparé
    par UN Environment et du premier benchmarking des places financières vertes.
    Il accueillera des intervenants de haut niveau des places financières du Canada, Chine, France, Italie, Luxembourg,
    Maroc et Royaume Uni, et sera clôturé par des keynote speeches des Ministres de l’environnement français et italien.

  • Best Investment Professional

     |  Amsterdam


    Best Investment Professional

    Nico Inberg wins Gouden Stier award for Best Investment Professional

    This November, Nico Inberg, head of the IEX Investment Desk, won the Gouden Stier-award for Best Investment Professional. This highly acclaimed prize is one of the oldest in the Dutch financial industry: It was awarded for the eleventh consecutive year in 2017. 

    Inberg has been head of the IEX Investment desk since July, where he leads a team of financial analysts. Together they perform research and give recommendations on hundreds of national and international stocks. Dutch investors looking for deeper insights and investment recommendations can get access through a subscription to IEX Premium. 

    For more information: www.iex.nl

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  • Dance4Life

     |  Amsterdam



    The Nederlandsche Betaal & Wisselmaatschappij opens Beursplein 5 with Dance4Life

    This year, Dance4Life organizes the Dance4Life FundRace for the first time. The Nederlandsche Betaal & Wisselmaatschappij (Dutch Payment & Exchange Company), located at Beursplein 5, is a proud sponsor of Dance4Life and participates in the Dance4Life FundRace. Dance4Life ambassador Kees Tol opens the Amsterdam exchange to highlight the FundRace.

    Dance4Life is a charity that works together with young people to fight the risks of unsafe sex. Unsafe sex and sexual violence are the fastest growing health risks for young people worldwide. Together with young people, they want to take action against HIV / AIDS, unplanned pregnancies and sexual violence.

    For more information: www.dance4life.nl

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  • Successful acquisition GrandVision

     |  Amsterdam


    Successful acquisition GrandVision

    GrandVision Benelux sounds the gong for successful acquisition

    GrandVision Benelux, part of the Euronext Amsterdam listed GrandVision (ticker symbol: GVNV), celebrates the successful acquisition of Zonnebrillen.com with a sounding of the gong by CEO Leo van Welij.

    With over 800 brick and mortar stores in the Netherlands and Belgium, the company consciously focuses on online expansion. The parent company of optical retail chains Pearle and Eye Wish is rapidly expanding its digital strategy with the acquisition of the online pure player, Zonnebrillen.com. The addition of Zonnebrillen.com fits in with GrandVision Benelux’s integrated omni-channel strategy and strengthens its online position in the Netherlands and Belgium.

    For more information: www.grandvision.com

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  • AFS Group joins LiquidShare

     |  Amsterdam


    AFS Group joins LiquidShare

    AFS sounds gong for participation in LiquidShare

    Financial service provider AFS Group has acquired an interest in the Pan-European fintech initiative LiquidShare and sounds the gong on the Amsterdam exchange.

    LiquidShare, set up by BNP Paribas, CACEIS, CDC, Euroclear, Euronext, S2IEM and Société Générale, is developing a blockchain based post-trade settlement infrastructure for listed small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) shares. Blue chips and bonds are added to this in a next phase.

    With the financial support of AFS Group and the other shareholders, LiquidShare aims to create a solution that will ultimately structurally lower transaction costs.

    For more information: www.afsgroup.nl

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  • Bert Douwes Award 2017

     |  Amsterdam


    Bert Douwes Award 2017

    Winners Bert Douwes Award 2017 visit the Amsterdam exchange

    Fleur Deelman and Madelon Vos, winners of the Bert Douwes Award 2017, sound the gong to open the trading day at Beursplein 5.

    They won the Bert Douwes thesis prize from the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) with their thesis "The pool of greater fools. Research into the history and predictable value of economic bubbles ". The Bert Douwes Award is made possible by Euronext Amsterdam and Stichting Capital Amsterdam.

    The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences offers students from all over the country the opportunity to deepen themselves in all aspects related to the financial markets and investments during a six month minor. Each participating student writes a thesis on a current financial topic after this period. The best thesis is rewarded with the Award which is named after the HvA teacher and founder of the minor who passed away in 2007.

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  • Introduction en bourse de Advicenne

     |  Paris


    Introduction en bourse de Advicenne

    Introduction en bourse de Advicenne sur Euronext 

    Dr. Luc-André Granier, PDG et co-fondateur d’Advicenne, ouvre les marchés à Paris.

    Advicenne est spécialisé dans la recherche et le développement de médicaments destinés au traitement des maladies orphelines neurologiques et néphrologiques, essentiellement chez les enfants.

  • CIO of the Year 2017

     |  Amsterdam


    CIO of the Year 2017

    The CIO of the Year 2017 opens trading

    Bouke Hoving, CIO at the Euronext Amsterdam listed KPN (ticker symbol: KPN), opens trading for winning the title of CIO of the Year 2017.

    Under the guidance of the jury chairman, His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard van Oranje, Mr Bouke Hoving, CIO KPN, was chosen as CIO of the Year 2017 during CIODAY. The processes and criteria have been developed together with CIO Platform Nederland, CIO Magazine, The Boston Consulting Group and Linqhu.

    CIODAY is the most important annual networking event for people at the top of the multi-billion IT market. This two-day event in the Amsterdam Beurs van Berlage brings together more than 500 CIOs, IT VPs and IT directors for inspiring world-class speakers, interactive sessions and networking opportunities.

    For more information: cioday.com

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  • Saint Nicholas

     |  Amsterdam


    Saint Nicholas

    Saint Nicholas sounds the gong on Amsterdam exchange

    Like previous years, Saint Nicholas visits Beursplein 5. As is tradition, he opens trading surrounded by his ambassadors.

    Saint Nicholas’ Corps Diplomatique, founded last year, has again been expanded. Thanks to the efforts of the Corps, 28 social activities will be organized in Amsterdam for both children and the elderly around the Saint Nicholas period. Next to the festive entry of Saint Nicholas on 19 November, these activities make the Sint-festivities accessible to everyone. Next year, Saint Nicholas hopes to arrive in Amsterdam for the 80th time.   

    For more information: www.sintinamsterdam.nl

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  • Arcadis wins Betonprijs

     |  Amsterdam


    Arcadis wins Betonprijs

    Leiden’s new underground parking garage “Lammermarkt” recently won the Betonprijs (Concrete Prize). To celebrate this, Arcadis (ticker symbol: ARCAD), listed on Euronext Amsterdam and responsible for the technical management of the project, opens trading.

    For two and a half years, Combinatie Parkeergarages Leiden Dura Vermeer-BESIX built this garage with great ingenuity. Mandy von Eckardstein carried out the total management of this project on behalf of Arcadis, together with the project manager, contract manager, environment manager and project management manager.

    This deepest parking garage in the Netherlands is a technical masterpiece. The spiral, seven-story garage is 22.5 meters deep and offers 525 parking places. The construction of such a deep parking garage in an inner-city environment is a huge challenge, both logistically and technically.

    For more information: www.arcadis.com

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  • ABN AMRO Health Impact Bond

     |  Amsterdam


    ABN AMRO Health Impact Bond

    ABN AMRO sounds gong for Health Impact Bond

    ABN AMRO (ticker symbol: ABN) joins forces with a broad alliance of parties to support people with cancer with a successful return to work.

    In collaboration with De Amersfoortse (part of Euronext-listed company a.s.r.), ArboNed, reintegration agency Re-turn and Start Foundation, ABN AMRO will assist in the reintegration of employees who have (had) cancer. Over the next 2 years, the 140 participants of the program will receive intensive guidance. The idea is that the participants keep moving, both physically, mentally and work related.

    For the new approach, ABN AMRO has developed an innovative financing method, called the Health Impact Bond. The investors make funding available, bear the financial risk and are only paid out once the intended results have been achieved.

    For more information: www.abnamro.nl

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  • Oranje Handelsmissiefonds

     |  Amsterdam


    Oranje Handelsmissiefonds

    Oranje Handelsmissiefonds winners open trading

    The winners of the Oranje Handelsmissiefonds (Orange Trade Mission Fund) open the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong.

    The Oranje Handelsmissiefonds was established 5 years ago by ING, KLM, MKB-Nederland and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open doors in foreign markets.

    Each year, ten companies win guidance and support from the five Oranje Handelsmissiefonds partners. This year of support has as its target to put the Netherlands on the map as an export country, and to help entrepreneurs with their export ambitions. This year’s ten winners will receive help in realizing their international ambitions during this fifth year of the fund.

    For more information: www.oranjehandelsmissiefonds.nl

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  • COGEFI Prospective et Rendement

     |  Paris


    COGEFI Prospective et Rendement

    COGEFI Gestion liste fonds sur Euronext Fund Service

    Anne d'Anselme, Directrice générale adjointe de COGEFI Gestion, sonne la cloche pour marquer l'ouverture des marchés à la bourse de Paris célébrant ainsi le listing des Parts I des fonds COGEFI Prospective (FR0010765719) et COGEFI Rendement (FR0010451369)

    Le lundi 29 Novembre, COGEFI Gestion liste deux de ses fonds flagships sur Euronext Fund Service, COGEFI Prospective I et COGEFI Rendement I. Ce listing fait écho à la volonté de COGEFI Gestion de proposer sa gestion à une clientèle professionnelle en France et à l'étranger, tant privée que professionnelle via un canal de distribution simple et direct, jusqu'à présent réservé aux fonds de gestion passive. En effet, au travers d'Euronext, tous les investisseurs, quelle que soit leur nature, en France mais également à l'étranger, pourront à présent souscrire COGEFI Prospective I et COGEFI Rendement I au travers de leur réseau de courtiers habituel comme n'importe quel autre instrument de bourse. COGEFI Gestion devrait proposer d'autres fonds à l'investissement via Euronext Fund Service dans les mois à venir.

  • Evi van Lanschot

     |  Amsterdam


    Evi van Lanschot

    Evi van Lanschot wins Gouden Stier for best online asset management

    Evi van Lanschot, part of Van Lanschot Kempen (ticker symbol: VLK) has been named the best online asset manager in the Netherlands for the second year in a row by the professional jury of the “Gouden Stier” (Golden Bull) award. To celebrate this, Evi opens the Amsterdam exchange with the traditional gong ceremony.

    Evi is an online asset manager that makes investing accessible to everyone. Evi manages more than € 1.5 billion in assets in the Netherlands and Belgium.

    For more information: www.evivanlanschot.nl

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