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Top-100 Corporate Women of the Netherlands


Corporate Woman of the Netherlands visits Amsterdam exchange

Management Scope recently published the Top-100 Corporate Women of the Netherlands in 2017. Petri Hofsté, Corporate Woman of the Netherlands 2017, opens the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong.

Petri Hofsté is Member of the Supervisory Board at Fugro and not only extended her title, but also added a new position as Member of the Supervisory Board at Rabobank . The rest of her career also includes positions in the financial sector, including Supervisory positions at Achmea and KAS BANK. During her career, she has held various positions in the banking sector (as deputy CFO at ABN AMRO), supervisory sector (DNB divisional director), and in the pension sector (as CFO of APG).

A female director is eligible for the title if she holds one or more positions as director or supervisory position at companies listed in the AEX, AMX or AScX-index and non-listed companies with an equity of more than 1 billion euros. Since 2016, the ranking has been extended from a Top-50 to a Top-100.

Management Scope is a magazine for the top of business Netherlands. The editorial mix consists of interviews with CEOs and directors, analyzes and expert contributions about strategic business issues, leadership, governance and relevant social and technological developments.

For more information: www.managementscope.nl

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