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DoubleDividend and Run4Schools sound gong on last trading day

DoubleDividend opens trading with Run4Schools on the last trading day of the year. With the final gong of the year 2016, DoubleDividend likes to draw attention to the runners of Run4Schools. On 15 April 2017, they will run the 56 kilometers of the Two Oceans Marathon in Cape Town, South Africa for this charity.

DoubleDividend bridges financial and social return and fully supports the mission of Stichting Run4Schools. The team of DoubleDividend is composed of a few fanatic runners who frequently run to support charity. “Run4Schools is a beautiful initiative for young South African children. By organizing both in - and after - school sports activities these kids are of the streets and work on a better future. This is financed by the runners for this charity. Today, we are pleased to make these runners more visible with the sound of the gong”, says Marian Hogeslag, partner at DoubleDividend.

For more information: www.doubledividend.nl

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