Euronext Eurozone Banks Index Derivatives


Invest in the Eurozone banking sector at a fair price with Euronext's derivatives

Euronext offers to market participants the full spectrum of derivatives to trade the Eurozone banking sector at a fair price. Investors can trade future, option and dividend future contracts based on the Euronext Eurozone Banks Index which shows the performance of the largest companies of this sector in the Eurozone (Bloomberg code: EZBANK).

Trading the banking sector at a fair price

Euronext's derivatives offer strong competitive advantages:

  • Fair cost structure taking into consideration the nominal value of the index
  • High accessibility thanks to a low minimum sizes to facilitate off-screen transactions
  • Higher nominal value to enable further economies at the clearing level
  • On-screen liquidity provided by market makers committed to the development of a cost-efficient solution to trade the banking sector
  • Off-screen liquidity offered by all the existing main counterparties

Market makers facilitating on-screen liquidity

Trading in Euronext Eurozone Banks Index Derivatives benefits from on-screen liquidity provided by market makers committed to ease the access to the banking sector.

Market Maker Logos - Banks Index Derivatives



Euronext Eurozone Banks Index Derivatives vs competition*

Future and Option

Dividend Index Future

  • ~75% cheaper
  • Higher nominal value (x5 bigger)
  • Calibrated tick sizes
  • Smaller block sizes (future: 3 lots, approx. €75k; option: 10 lots, approx. €250k)
  • ~75% cheaper
  • Higher nominal value (x6 bigger)
  • Calibrated tick sizes
  • Smaller block sizes (3 lots, approx. €45k)

*based on data publicly accessible on the competitor website.

Publications about Euronext Banks Index Future

FOW - Global Investor Group (May 2021)

Euronext to offer cheaper access to banking sector through derivatives.


Next Finance - interview in French (June 2021)

« Nous allons continuer notre développement avec d’autres produits dérivés sur l’indice Euronext Eurozone Banks »


Best Execution - Summer edition (July 2021)

Charlotte Alliot, Head of Institutional Derivatives at Euronext spoke to Best Execution about trading the Eurozone banking sector using derivatives.


Related news

Euronext launches new Eurozone Banks Dividend Index Future

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