Corporate Actions Data

Euronext Corporate Actions Portal
The Corporate Actions Portal allows customers to lessen the risk by aggregating all data, including back-history information in a single feature-rich environment, and offering a quality user experience with greater effectiveness.
Products available
Cash market notices
Markets covered: Borsa Italiana, Euronext (Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon and Paris) and Euronext Oslo Børs.
You will have access to:
- Corporate actions notices
- Dividend notices and
- Other notices.
The notices are available in real-time in PDF format. Access to the machine readable formats is available via SFTP pull.
Stock and dividend news
Markets covered: Borsa Italiana, Euronext (Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon and Paris) and Euronext Oslo Børs.
You will have access to daily reports that:
- Carry an overview of all corporate actions and
- Dividends that will impact the order book of listed securities on the next business day.
For a detailed list of fields available please refer to the Clients specifications
For any further information, please contact us at: