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UniCredit Certificates Championship


UniCredit Certificates Championship winners ring Euronext market Bell

2017 edition of the UniCredit Certificates Championship allowed participants to virtually invest on UniCredit certificates linked to Euronext's Leverage Index. As a prize, winners were awarded with Champions League tickets.

UniCredit Certificates Championship is a virtual trading competition organized by UniCredit. It is accessible to investors who want to familiarize with Leverage investment in an innovative and practical way. For each of the 4 sessions held in October, a real trading day was replicated in 30 minutes. Through the online platform participants were able to invest using two UniCredit certificates on leverage indices calculated by Euronext. The 2017 edition has been supported by Bourse Direct, Trading Central, and TV Finance, with live comments coming directly from Euronext Paris market surveillance room. UniCredit is one of the main players in the European Warrants & Certificates market and provides on Euronext Paris a complete range of products: Turbos, Leverage / Short and Warrants as well as recently issued Stability Certificates.

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