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Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp


Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp kicks off ‘Zomerpret’ project

The trading day is opened by Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp. By sounding the gong, Chantal van Gool, Hoofd fondsenwerving Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp, brings their new ‘Zomerpret’ (Summerfun) campaign to the attention.

Kinderhulp states that summer vacation is usually something to look forward to, but the 1 out of 8 children who grow up in poverty are not looking forward to it at all. For the children who don’t live at their parental house  anymore it’s even more difficult. They do not go anywhere and experience few other fun things. When they go to school again, they have little stories to tell and feel left out. That’s why Kinderhulp introduces the ‘Zomerpretpakket’, which main goal is: giving children in poverty a nice summer holiday.

They will be doing that by distributing ‘Summer boxes’ with various items, for good and bad weather, to get through the summer. For example: toys, books, a cinema voucher, a beach ball, sunscreen, a trip to a theme park, school supplies and DIY-ideas .

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