Dual Ambition
Drive investment in innovative, sustainable products and services
through secure and transparent markets, in continuous collaboration with our financial community.
Inspire and promote tangible sustainable practices
within the company and towards our community, by respecting and developing our people and by supporting our ecosystem.
Five material impact areas
Euronext carried out a pan-European stakeholder consultation process, to identify the ESG issues that our stakeholders believe should be our main focus.
Based on these results, we defined the key issues on which we can have the most impact in the economy, society and the environment. These key issues are grouped into five material impact areas: Our Markets, Our Partners, Our People, Our Society and Our Environment.
Each material impact area supports one or several of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), part of the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” to which Euronext has committed as an Official Partner of the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (SSE).
Products and Services
Euronext offers a diverse range of products and services and combines transparent and efficient equity, fixed income securities and derivatives markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Oslo, Paris and Milan.
Know more about our ESG products and services offer, and discover also our range of products and services that cater specifically to issuers seeking to embrace ESG factors.
Fit for 1.5º
Euronext is leveraging its ESG performance to build an impactful ESG strategy 2022-2024 embedded in the strategic plan “Growth for Impact 2024”. The new sustainability strategy focuses on accelerating climate action both in the Euronext operations and through the role it plays in empowering sustainable finance across all its markets. In that context, Euronext has launched its “Fit for 1.5°” climate commitment, for its own business, its partners and its clients.
Find out more about Sustainability in Euronext's Supply Chain
ESG Reporting Guide
Access here the new edition of the ESG Reporting Guide, which has been designed to help companies engage in climate change mitigation policies with the support of their investors, and more broadly lists the key aspects to consider when reporting on ESG to make the most of the associated opportunities. This new edition has been revised with a focus on the 1.5°C global temperature increase trajectory, in line with Euronext's “Fit for 1.5°” commitment, one of the key pillars of its “Growth for Impact 2024” strategic plan.
ESG Policies and Statements
Check here the Euronext ESG policies and statements, which have been reviewed and approved by the Euronext Managing Board.
They cover all the companies controlled directly or indirectly by Euronext N.V. Review by the Managing Board is done on a yearly basis. Most recent review dates from 2 April 2024.
All Euronext Policies are reviewed by the Euronext Internal Audit department at least once every three years.
The objectivity and organisational independence of the Internal Audit function is achieved through the Head of Internal Audit reporting directly to the Chairman of Euronext Audit Committee.
Euronext Foundation
The Euronext Foundation aims to foster Euronext's support of local sustainable communities and projects across Europe in the fields of financial literacy, diversity and inclusion in finance, and marine resources.
It acts as an umbrella encompassing Euronext’s philanthropic and educational support via dedicated funding and volunteering initiatives to empower young people, promote sustainability, and strengthen our connections with local communities.
Financial Inclusion
Euronext believes itself to be a player for a fairer and more inclusive society. As such, Euronext leverages its distinct position in financing the real economy to promote financial inclusion by providing all sorts and sized businesses and individuals with access to capital and education. By creating an inclusive financial ecosystem, Euronext can contribute to economic growth, employment, and the financial empowerment of individuals and businesses.
Read more about our Financial Inclusion initiatives and our Financial Inclusion policy.