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Impianti S.p.A. lists on Euronext Growth Milan


  • 23rd listing of 2022 on Euronext Growth Milan
  • Impianti S.p.A. brings the total number of companies listed on Euronext Growth Milan to 187
  • 80th listing on Euronext in 2022
  • Total placement volume of the offering equal to €2 million

Milan – 16 December 2022 – Borsa Italiana, part of the Euronext Group, today congratulates Impianti S.p.A. on its listing on Euronext Growth Milan.

Impianti S.p.A. is a system integrator that is active in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Audio / Video sectors. The company selects emerging brands and technologies with which it designs and implements innovative solutions by offering professional services through its own highly specialised commercial and technical structure. Impianti S.p.A. is able to provide both tailor-made solutions and supplies at an extremely competitive price in the public and private procurement sector.

Impianti S.p.A. represents the 23rd listing since the beginning of the year on Borsa Italiana’s market dedicated to small and medium-sized companies, and it brings the total number of firms currently listed on Euronext Growth Milan to 187.

In the placement phase, Impianti S.p.A. raised €1.75 million. In the case of the full exercise of the over-allotment option, the total amount raised will be €2 million. The free float at the time of admission was 19.75% and the market capitalisation at IPO was €9 million.

Simone Lo Russo, Founder and CEO of Impianti S.p.A., said: “We are proud to have reached this important stage which we believe to be the result of the commitment and dedication that have characterised our work every day for over 30 years. We are convinced that listing on Euronext Growth Milan represent a further step towards a future of corporate growth and prosperity. A very important result that I share with all our collaborators, customers and investors who have believed in us, to whom we also extend our sincere thanks. Our goals for the future are to continue to identify cutting-edge solutions that identify us towards suppliers, customers, and stakeholders as innovators in our sector."

Simona Castelli, Founder and COO of Impianti S.p.A., added: “This result, I am convinced, will provide us with further incentives and financial resources, to allow us to continue along the growth path undertaken since the establishment of the company, a dynamic reality that is always ready to offer the market innovative products and solutions. Our goal will also be to continue along our ESG path by including sustainable economic policies: we believe that only through respect for people and the environment and transparent governance is it possible to improve and obtain maximum results also in terms of volumes and margins.”


Caption Simone Lo Russo, Founder and CEO of Impianti S.p.A., Simona Castelli, COO of Impianti S.p.A., and Lucrezia Toscana, CFO and HR Director of Impianti S.p.A., rang the bell during the market open ceremony this morning to celebrate the Initial Public Offering of the company.

About Impianti S.p.A.

Impianti S.p.A. is a System Integrator active in the ICT (Information Communication Technology) & Audio / Video sectors. Founded in 1992, Impianti S.p.A. selects emerging brands and technologies with which it designs and implements innovative solutions by offering professional services through its own highly specialised commercial and technical structure. The company is able to provide both “tailor made” solutions and supplies at an extremely competitive price in the Public and Private Procurement sector. The meticulous search for innovation has made Impianti S.p.A. a point of reference also for foreign companies to bring their own brand to the Italian market.  For further information, visit

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