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International Capital Market Association


International Capital Market Association sounds gong for AGM

René Karsenti, President of the  International Capital Market Association (ICMA) sounds the gong to open trading on the occasion of  ICMA’s 47th Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The International Capital Market Association is holding its AGM and Conference in Amsterdam for the first time since 1990. Around 800 international capital market participants drawn from ICMA’s global membership gather to discuss the issues affecting financial markets, including financial regulatory reform, Capital Markets Union and the role of capital markets in supporting economic growth. Among the notable speakers at the conference are: Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Minister of Finance, The Netherlands; Lord Jonathan Hill, EU Commissioner, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union and Klaas Knot, President, De Nederlandsche Bank (Central Bank of the Netherlands).

ICMA is the only trade association to grow up alongside the development of the cross-border capital markets. Not linked to any one national market, ICMA has promoted the development of efficient global capital markets for close to 50 years. ICMA has some 470 member firms in almost 60 countries, including banks and financial institutions who are active in international capital markets.

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