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Aegon – Winner Gouden Spreekbuis 2019


20191023 Aegon

Sibylla Bantema, COO Aegon Hypotheken, sounds the gong for Aegon Hypotheken winning the Gouden Spreekbuis 2019. She and her management team are responsible for the mortgage business and the distinctive developments in the field of customer and advisor service


Winner of the Golden Speak Tube 2019 for the best mortgage lender.

On October 3rd, Aegon Hypotheken was awarded the ‘Gouden Spreekbuis 2019’ for mortgage providers. The prize is awarded annually by Blauw Research to the mortgage lender who, in the past year, developed best in terms of communication, image, reputation and services.

As a winner in the field of digitization, Aegon Hypotheken has taken enormous steps and has taken the lead in redesigning the mortgage chain, without losing sight of the human aspect. This to the great satisfaction of customer and intermediary.

About Aegon

Aegon wants to enable customers to make conscious choices for a healthy financial future. We do this by informing them, showing alternatives, giving appropriate advice and delivering the products and services that are important for every phase of your life. Whether it concerns your pension, mortgage, investments, banking or non-life insurance.

About 4,300 people work for Aegon and her daughters in the Netherlands, in The Hague, Leeuwarden, Groningen and Amsterdam.


Over the past 5 years, Aegon Hypotheken was one of the top 5 mortgage providers in the Netherlands; more than 225,000 consumers have financed their home with an Aegon mortgage.


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