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Becoming a leading European Post-Trade provider

Our goal is to create a more harmonised and more competitive post-trade environment to connect our European Central Securities Depository (CSD) customers with local and international markets

Growth strategy

The focus of the Euronext Securities three-year strategic plan is on harmonising, scaling up and expanding our CSD operations across Europe.

It has been designed to meet your needs as a customer locally, regionally and internationally.

By addressing the fragmented European post-trade marketplace, we can remove inefficiencies and creating a more harmonised and more competitive post-trade environment.

We have identified four key strategic areas. As a customer, you will benefit from our projects as we roll them out.

Four key strategic areas

Expanding our services

Helping our customers reduce operational costs and increase efficiency by expanding our current service offering to new areas such as virtual general meetings, tax services or reference data products

Converging our infrastructure

Rolling out common platforms and processes to make it easier and more cost-effective for customers to interact with us across markets, for example on corporate actions

Scaling up our activities

Expanding our operations across Europe to markets beyond Denmark, Italy, Norway and Portugal, so our customers have more choice over where they do business

Enhanced customer experience

Creating intuitive customer interfaces and digital workflows, meaning customers have a simpler, more streamlined and more efficient experience

Euronext Securities: combining global reach with local expertise

Key to Euronext’s CSD strategy is leveraging the strengths of our local markets to benefit customers across the entire network of CSDs.

Here are some ways that you can benefit from our pan-European network.

New, value-added services:

Value-added services developed in one CSD can be scaled up and introduced to customers in other markets. We plan to offer a harmonised global service that includes:

  • corporate actions
  • proxy voting
  • general meetings 
  • shareholder registry

Innovative customer-facing solutions

As one, larger organisation, we have increased investment capacity, meaning we can develop better, more adapted solutions to meet your needs.

Access to a broader range of expertise

Operating as a pan-European organisation increases each CSD’s ability to attract and retain new talent. This benefits customers, as they can tap into a deeper well of expertise and competences across the Euronext Securities CSD network that covers the entire value chain, from issuer to investor.

Harmonisation that benefits customers of all sizes

The current fragmentation of the CSD landscape across Europe has a cost for all our clients. Everyone will benefit from a more harmonised service model, from more streamlined processes and from a shorter value chain, which will reduce their costs, while keeping that local touch where necessary.

Keeping a local touch

While we harmonise our services, we will  also continue to cater to your individual needs in each local market, by:

  • maintaining a local presence and language
  • providing local counterparties and local licences
  • fostering local relationships with regulators and central banks
  • catering to local specificities with adapted products and services.
Strategic Plan 2024

More on Euronext Strategy

Our  strategic plan, “Growth for Impact 2024”, sets out the group's ambition to build the leading market infrastructure in Europe.

Growth for Impact 2024 is built around five strategic priorities:

  • Leverage our integrated value chain
  • Pan-Europeanise our CSDs
  • Build upon our leadership in Europe
  • Empower sustainable finance
  • Execute value-creative M&A.