Global Money Week: Ring Around the World. Child & Youth Finance International closes the trading day in Paris


GMW is a worldwide celebration initiated by the Child and Youth Finance Movement, with local and regional events and activities aimed at inspiring children and youth to learn about money, saving, creating livelihoods, gaining employment, becoming an entrepreneur

About Global Money Week: Global Money Week unifies the voices of children around the world, encouraging them to take action, engage the financial sector and learn about the financial issues that most impact them. Through national and international events, young people learn: about money, social and financial interaction, employment skills and even about starting a business.
In 2013, over 1 million children in more than 80 countries participated in Global Money Week celebrations. Central banks, governmental bodies, stock exchanges, financial institutions, NGOs, schools, multilateral organizations, academics and other national stakeholder organized events. In many countries, Global Money Week was the first time such multisectorial organizations collaborated: collaborations that diverse organizations committed to continue as they build national financial education and inclusion platforms for children and youth. This year we will count on more than 112 countries celebrating and 2 million children and youth reached!