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Week of the Investor


Gong as the start of the Week of the Investor

In honor of the Week of the Investor, Zita Chengadu, coordinator of the largest investor club in the Netherlands, 'Bull Up'.

During the Week of the Investor (2 to 9 November), national activities, inspiring programs and meetings provide answers to the increasing demand for knowledge and information in the area of ​​personal finances. The focus of the Week is on education and information. It enables a wide audience to inform themselves about the latest developments and trends.

The Week ends on Friday 9 November with the InvestorsFair 2018 in the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. The Cashcow Awards for the best financials are also presented here.

For more information: www.weekvandebelegger.nl / www.beleggersfair.nl

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