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Child and Youth Finance International opens Global Money Week 2014 by sounding the gong



Trading at Euronext Amsterdam is festively opened today by Dutch high schools students and Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI) as part of Global Money Week 2014. Global Money Week is a global campaign raising awareness with children, youth, parents and teachers on the importance of children’s access to financial education and safe bank accounts.

CYFI is a non-profit organization and global multi-stakeholder network leading the world’s largest movement on child and youth finance. They sound the gong together with students from the Spinozalyceum in Amsterdam, the Herman Wesselink College in Amstelveen and representatives from Aflatoun, de Consumentenbond, the Dutch Central Bank (DNB), Free Press Unlimited, ICS, ING Group, The Dutch Bankers Association (NVB), and Nibud.

For more information: www.globalmoneyweek.org en www.childfinance.org

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