
Safe and efficient distribution and handling of your bonds in DKK, EUR and SEK.




Established links

Our platform offers you reliability and automation and lets you harvest the efficiency gains

You will get the best possible return on your bonds when distribution is efficient and reaches local, regional and international investors. We offer you established links to other major central securities depositories (CSDs), which connect you to international investors within the pan-European settlement system, TARGET2-Securities (T2S).

Settlement of all trades, as well as interest and redemption payments, takes place via central bank accounts, for maximum security. Euronext Securities handles DKK via Danmarks Nationalbank, SEK via Sveriges Riksbank and EUR via the European Central Bank. As the preferred Nordic issuer CSD for bonds, our services are tailored to meet the needs of the most advanced bond issuers. Furthermore, our systems are designed for fast and efficient issuance and maximum reliability and automation.

Download Supporting issuance in the regional market

Index-linked Bonds


Index-linked bonds are important investment instruments for investors with commitments that are sensitive to inflation or other developments that can be reflected in indices. Currently VP supports eight different indices that can all be used with bullet loans, serial and annuity loans.

Safekeeping services


Segregated accounts ensure the issuing institutions direct access to information investors' registered holdings.

Settlement in T2S


Direct connection to the international securities market.

Assignment of ISIN


VP Securities is the National Numbering Agency (NNA) for DK ISIN codes.

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Stay updated with the relevant news from Euronext Securities Copenhagen.

White paper: The move towards a border-free European bond issuance market


Have you considered these five benefits issuers can realise by issuing international bonds through their local CSD:

  1. Same investor reach at a lower cost
  2. Reduced legal fees by issuing under local law
  3. Reduced settlement risk with central bank money issuance
  4. Increased operational efficiency through process harmonisation
  5. Issuing locally supports local capital markets


White paper - Bond issuance


Bjørn Stendorph Crepaz - Euronext Securities Copenhagen

Bjørn Stendorph Crepaz

Head of Issuance, Euronext Securities Copenhagen

+45 2969 2815