Trading platform

Euronext provides high-performance global trading platforms, offering you innovative, market-leading software and a fast, global and secure network.

Flexible and scalable products. Robust and integrated trading solutions. For all market participants, from single traders to entire exchanges. Faster, more reliable trading systems. Greater efficiencies and lower costs for the end user.

Optiq® trading technology

Optiq is the enhanced, multi-market Euronext trading platform. It offers maximum flexibility, simplified and harmonised messaging, high performance and stability.

Benefit from:

Enhanced performance

  • Cutting-edge technology to ensure high reliability
  • Significantly increased throughput and latency performance with minimal standard deviation
  • Highly enhanced efficiency through
    • improved connectivity and protocols
    • optimised messaging model (both private and public)

High-quality service

  • Flexible modular based service structure allowing you to implement functionalities that fit the needs of your business
  • Harmonised cash and derivatives messaging model (both private and public). Pooling of resources during high volume periods

An international network

Access the Euronext markets from around the world via the Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure® (SFTI). SFTI is the industry’s most secure and resilient network for electronic securities trading.

A wide range of access methods is available. Choose the best solution for your specific requirements.


Complete the following steps to connect to Euronext: -

  • Approval of your membership application
  • Receive your member code
  • Order a physical connectivity solution
  • Select the protocol and the platforms you want to develop
  • Develop your application and test it
  • Perform a conformance test
  • And finally a ‘Go Live’ connectivity test

Completed successfully? You are ready to start trading in the Production environment on the following working day.

Single Order Book

The Euronext regulated markets operate a unique Single Order Book model.

How it works

The Single Order Book enhances liquidity, lowers costs, and facilitates access to capital markets by delivering harmonised cross-border trading, clearing and settlement.

  • All Euronext-listed securities are designated a single trading line in the Single Order Book, and most have a single trading code. -

  • In the case of securities with a multiple listing within the Euronext markets, trading will take place on a single trading line, the designated Market of Reference (MoR).

  • Liquidity is consolidated in each security to enhance spreads and market depth, and achieve better price formation.

  • Issuers may choose to list on more than one market to enhance visibility, qualify for inclusion in local indices, or have trading volumes and prices published in the national press. The Single Order Book will execute their trades on one trading line: the designated Market of Reference.

Case Study: ING

ING (headquartered in the Netherlands) is listed on two markets, but because its Market of Reference is Euronext Amsterdam, all orders from the other marketplace (Brussels) are brought into the Amsterdam market order book.

Even though ING orders are not executed on Euronext Brussels, it is still considered a listed company in Belgium, and must therefore comply with regulations in both market locations, Belgium and The Netherlands.

As a benefit, ING can also promote its shares as a group, having made a public offer in both countries.

ISVs, ASPs and other suppliers

Need help to connect or looking for trading software solutions?

Learn more about our Independent Software Vendors, Application Service Providers and Extranet Service Providers